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File: 27d3e8f38106b04⋯.jpg (347.63 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Picsart_23_05_18_14_12_22_….jpg)

37d39c No.374324

Manufactured Collapse Of The Western World News wasn't manufactured

The downfall of society started way back during the dawn of man, and it's been a never-ending process for hundreds of thousands of years

We've been in the downward spiral since long before your great great great grandfather was born

And it's going to continue long after you die…

Anybody who feels the need to apply a secret conspiracy to the downward spiral of the human race is obviously overcompensating for something

They're overcompensating for their overwhelming sense of fear, their inability to control the world, their powerlessness and their weakness

They have to pretend as if they were smarter than you, as if everybody isn't already aware that the human race is in a downward spiral

… as if we needed THEM to tell us the human race is chaotic and obviously self-destructing…

They're overcompensating for their lack of Authority or power in this world, overwhelmed by their own inabilities, compelled to convince people that they have some kind of "special Insider perspective"

As if going to Natural news or Infowars is some kind of "bat phone" to Insider information


Certain conspiracy theory lunatics seem oblivious to the fact that they have ALLOWED their own lives to frazzled, to become unraveled just like everybody else's

Their lives literally falling apart with alcoholism and needless fear and undue stress over nothing

Drinking themselves into a grave to drown the mind-numbing voluntary paranoia they find so enjoyable

Literally making an ass clown of themselves over situations they simply can't control, so they choose topretend to be intellectual, pretend to have valuable "life advice" to offer…

while the only demonstration of their existence they offer, the only "example" they set….. is that of FEAR & ADDICTION

Illiterate know nothings who pretend to be important by suggesting everything is a false flag operation, and somehow they have access to "proof"

(and their "proof" is nothing more than copied & pasted lunatic infowars drivel)

and he fucked his own daughter

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