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ad1b08 No.374191


Say what you want about DeSantis, like him or hate him, Zionist or not, this is Good! news folks, just put aside the politics here for now.

I'm hoping my State does the same, a Central Bank Digital Currency would be the END of freedom as we know it, as the (((Davos/WEF/Govt crowd))) desire to use CBDCs to enforce a social credit score system, implementing it with carbon taxation and vaccine passports! Pure tyranny is being resisted in Florida and it is refreshing! We need to encourage other real conservatives and real liberals (like Robert Kennedy Jr.) to do the same!

Anyone who supports the way CBDC is being planned is anti-Constitution and thus anti-American.




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ad1b08 No.374217

bumping vital news

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ad1b08 No.374248

bumping brilliant news

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b2b8d6 No.374252

Desantis is shit, he passed these terrible anti-1st amendment laws where misdeamonours are turned into felonies if you through a phamplet at a jews house. Goddamn Amerika and bring these kikes and feds down.

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d5638a No.374339

bumping forbidden news

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5e4001 No.374844

bumping vital news

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423741 No.376390

bumping independent news

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878ead No.377388

bumping substantial news

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dcd86a No.378307

bumping responsible intelligent news

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d2a212 No.380482

bumping brilliant news

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