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File: 6329a345b5fd348⋯.webm (3.35 MB,480x320,3:2,fielmane.webm)

b0a980 No.374139

My friend said to come and discuss the necessity of mental health intervention on this website, due to it's misguided socio-pathological propensity for weaving baskets without the true yak wool.

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45101e No.374140

File: ea0dd7f7bc5f5b2⋯.webm (2.47 MB,716x400,179:100,last.webm)

It can be difficult to accept your own genocide, but you're not alone. History is on your side, and you can finally be assured that your dedicated strives to finally conclude the entire chapter of humanity in it's highest dignity of natural form, will beget rest in a semblance of peace, that if delusion prevail all, would then remain respite.

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14e314 No.374141

File: a6f36ac997c90a2⋯.webm (3.87 MB,224x400,14:25,focus.webm)



maybe if you lads knew how to dazzle one another better you wouldn't mind the the the size of the shit stain, that it?

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9e558e No.374142


what's a website? is that one of those internet thingies?

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9e558e No.374143

File: 595f5eafbbb3316⋯.jpg (321.25 KB,1080x1920,9:16,IMG_20180118_125240_201806….jpg)

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9e558e No.374144

File: 67cd8c81bd2757c⋯.jpg (311.15 KB,1080x1920,9:16,IMG_20180118_125042.jpg)


…I'm sorry…. it appears I have a bit of a sinus infection….

can you repeat the question, please?

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