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File: eb9efcc5da1850a⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,423x482,423:482,Picsart_23_05_16_17_56_53_….jpg)

a4ea23 No.374067

u be weird. yo lips are thin. dat weird. u got small nostrils. u got thin noses. Dat be weird. an yo hair be's weird. it be straight!!

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a4ea23 No.374068

File: c5b88ca0f0d325d⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB,202x360,101:180,This_Was_Unexpected_.mp4)

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a4ea23 No.374108

File: 9c47ab016d3c0f9⋯.mp4 (11.37 MB,540x676,135:169,DJ_ICEY.mp4)

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a4ea23 No.374120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a4ea23 No.374130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you ain't shit…

fuck you, white trash coward

You're not physically capable of doing jack shit


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a4ea23 No.374131

LOL @ race war

hahaha you wouldn't stand a chance

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a4ea23 No.374132

ANY of the many WOMEN in that last video could beat your ass to DEATH…

With their bare hands.. no weapons needed.. literally beat you to death.. and leave you in a goddamn bloody pile on the sidewalk…

And there's not a goddamn thing you could do to defend yourself against them

You're going to need a much stronger Army than that.. you don't stand a chance against a black folk if you had a race war.. you would be obliterated within a matter of 14 days.. it would be all wrapped up within two weeks, and you wouldn't come out on top.. that's for sure

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a4ea23 No.374133

…..and that's just the WOMEN….

It would be hilarious watching you try to defend yourself against a black MALE.. and nobody gives a fuck about your guns, because you wouldn't have a chance to use one….

Trust me.. they got a lot more guns than you could possibly imagine

They can definitely outgun YOU…


They wouldn't need a gun. They would rip you from limb to limb

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a4ea23 No.374134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

even a skinny little nigger couldBEAT YOUR ASS INTO AN EMERGENCY ROOM bitch

trust me

you have no idea how fast they'd WHOOP YOUR ASS

weak feeble incompetent white sissy

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a4ea23 No.374135

File: 5b53a0741c31081⋯.mp4 (9.76 MB,640x360,16:9,proud_boys_.mp4)

you can't fight…..

You're a weak white BITCH

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