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File: 6f8cf1b44dcaeab⋯.png (155.99 KB,1598x1080,799:540,Picsart_23_05_16_15_11_19_….png)

bdbb3d No.374050

And I'm so stupid I actually think I'm somehow "triggering"LOLvisinto ridiculing me…

I lack any semblance of "external perspective", so I'm oblivious to the fact that I'm just the next target, a metaphoric rubber duck floating down the flume….

I don't even realizeLOLviswipes his ass with me, the same way he wipes his legendary ass with everybody

I'm an old inept broke fool

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bdbb3d No.374051

File: c12b9b7c98d640b⋯.jpg (114.58 KB,772x720,193:180,Picsart_23_05_16_13_46_34_….jpg)



Nobody takes the life advice of somebody who can't demonstrate some form of success in their life, whether personal or professional, so the fact that I'm so old and gray, and I've got nothing to demonstrate any "superiority" whatsoever negates any suggestion that my life advice has value…

In fact, if you follow my advice, you will surely end up becoming an old washed up blue collar High School Dropout menial laborer who lives on a tiny pittance retirement after a life of mind-numbing mediocrity and complete lack of accomplishment on any higher scale

If there's anybody who serves as a model of life failure, it's me.. the old gray bum who sits all by myself in my shitty little house pretending like I have friends

And since I realize nobody's looking for my advice, I copy and paste ridiculous "advertisements" in empty chatrooms, quite literally BEGGING rando strangers to watch my lame-ass bitch-oot videos, then I convince myself that I have "fans"

ie got nothing to show for my life

I wear shitty generic trucker clothing, Dickies pants and discount Hanes t-shirts, I live in a crappy little shithole house, all by myself, with cheap molding and trim, not even as nice as the average trailer.. I try growing plants in nature Made vitamin bottles on my lonely windowsill, and I embraced my life of lower-low class blue-collar WHITE TRASH a long, long time ago

my life advice = garbage

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1f8213 No.375396

File: 5716870be57e05f⋯.jpg (663.17 KB,800x1073,800:1073,013.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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