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b87e3e No.374042

| THEY WANT US SILENT LIKE SLAVES! https://www.bitchute.com/video/OzXLLWeRAe4b/

So yeah today we just jump into a bunch of subjects like we are free White and over 21 and thus as if we have the authority to freely think on our own … Come … learn by example … Leave the dying empire of lies behind … seek the land of Truth.

Media consolidation is the most important policy

of any regime. Maybe the only thing that really

matters in the end. You had one host that was a

little different. He was the most popular on

television. So they scrapped him. "Free markets"

don't explain this. So what does?

Justice department,




It defies foundational economic theory that a big

media company would forego the profit motive to

satisfy the ideological motive, but that appears to

be what happened at Lox News and Murdoch's

firing of Carlson, a cable news ratings monster.

It doesn't make sense that a media company

would piss away money for political or emotional

reasons, unless one thinks of it as a long-term

investment strategy by jewish media oligarchs. The

jews who run US media industry can't afford too

much realtalk on taboo topics that threaten jewish

ethnocentric interests; topics such as biological

race and sex differences, Uniparty conspiring,

demographic engineering of the native White

population into minority status, degeneracy

propaganda, and the leading role of jews in all

these corrosive lies.

To the jewish mind, there is a significant ROI from

firing Tucker Carlson and therefore silencing his

influential disruption of Regime narratives. Too

much taboo talk will, in the long run, hurt the jews'

bottom line by invigorating a nascent White

Identity ethnocentric self-preservation instinct

which would make it more difficult for jews to

insinuate themselves at critical institutional

chokepoints and leverage that power to their

tribe's benefit.

Losing Carlson's ratings is worth the cost if it

preserves the broader disproportionate jewish

control over occupational, financial, and

informational access bottlenecks.

That's the theory and the intention; in practice,

The tighter they squeeze their vice grip on how the boundaries

of the national discourse are defined, the more

Whites slip through their fingers and revolt against

jewish supremacy.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7c9959 No.374055

lol @ "us" hahahahaha

there is no "us", you lonely old gray ashtray

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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