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File: e277726a5b5a493⋯.png (27.88 KB,796x538,398:269,31.png)

9b266f No.374031

| FALSE OPPOSITION VS THE REAL DEAL https://www.bitchute.com/video/4bv3KZZSsAL7/

Who are the good guys here and who are the bad? How would one know? What is good and bad? What is good for the Whites is good and what is Bad for us is Bad: What makes for more LIFE and MORE WHITE IS GOOD and what makes for less is bad!

With this in mind: You can choose the color blind losers or the good White Men with Pride …

Flabby Weak Old Loser GOP Or the New and Improved Patriot Front Model?

New and Not the Same or Same old Stinky BS LIES … Hard Choice!

GOP require no introductions as their subversions are well known to all.

But who exactly Are The Patriot Front?

The #ADL describes the Patriot Front as a "white

supremacist group whose members maintain that

their ancestors conquered America and

bequeathed it to them, and no one else."

Sign me up coach.

How do I know Patriot Front are the good guys?

I know Patriot Front are the good guys, because

Jonathan Greenblatt is crying about them

protesting their right to exist in #Weimerica. But

#BLM riots and #Antifa doing the same thing is okay

though? If the ADL is against them, you know

they're over the target. They never call them liars.

PF is the real deal.

I know because jews won’t stop kvetching.

*Fit White American men marching peacefully

with "Reclaim America" banners and American


The ADL: "We are disgusted."

Yet another example of how deeply Anti-White and

Anti-American jews and their organizations are …

Disgusted? By the fact that these men exist and dare to move about freely?

Sounds like the ADL just doesn't want racially

aware Whites to organize in their own self-interest.

They'd prefer a dissociated mass of submissive,

even enslaved goyim to an organized, active one

that engages with the world and can't be bullied or

intimidated by Judeo-Marxist attacks or their

captive, Soros-allied institutions.

(This is also why the ADL promote all kinds of

unnatural and deviant sexualities, btw, so families

will never form and the masses become enslaved

to fractured, misdirected, unhealthy, and

disordered passions).

FakeNews Right on Cue … still FBI …. PATRIOTS



To the News:

Our horrifying reality if this Orwellian bill passes:

You could be thrown in prison for 20 years for

something you MIGHT DO in the future if the

‘RESTRICT Act’ passes … Gotta control the thoughts and speech because … We are sending

mountains of money overseas but our own

communities are dying … And it is not Just America either … Ireland wanted public input on proposed

censorship bill… until the majority said they

actually prefer free speech … We have the best democracy money can buy … Billionaire Says He’ll Back Plug Slot B over Plug Slot A, Suggests Plugs must do as the Donors demand … Meanwhile the Spooks are still running cover for Biden … Former Intel Heads Brennan, Clapper To Testify To

House Panel Over Role In Hunter Biden Laptop

Letter .. We are ruled by Pimps Pedophiles and Perverts of all stripes!

Rebel against this evil!

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling. But bottom comes – then we can build upon Firm footings of family and folk.


#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity

#EthnoState #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans

#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHistory

#Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #WhitePower #WhitePride

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f359bb No.374032

File: 6ffff306fd5bc78⋯.png (192.75 KB,1598x1080,799:540,Picsart_23_05_16_13_00_54_….png)

File: 35601a974f992e7⋯.png (790.23 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20230516_130144….png)



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f359bb No.374033


lol you're BROKE !!! you BUM

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aff04b No.375407

File: 57c6c781cfcb742⋯.jpg (86.29 KB,676x900,169:225,Waifu_1966_.jpg)

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