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File: c58761826061481⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,800x800,1:1,Viper_One_Piece_Hardwood_P….jpg)

59d5d8 No.373989

you've been saying "CULL-INARY"

but it's actually pronounced"CUE-LINARY"

like a POOL CUE

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59d5d8 No.373990

File: cb9c5945e007b3f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_3_.jpg)

the same way PULITZER is pronounced "PEW"

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59d5d8 No.374016

File: e104f2fffdff811⋯.jpg (4.76 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_1_.jpg)

same way everybody thinks dentists numb your gums by injectingNovocaine

when in reality, dentists useLIDOCAINE

But they're not going to waste their time with every patient, explaining the difference between lidocaine and Novocaine

It's easier just to allow the patients to continue misunderstanding it

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59d5d8 No.374022

File: e4a3f0515e60082⋯.jpg (8.64 KB,225x225,1:1,images_14_.jpg)

File: 6168885f69fc392⋯.png (270.49 KB,683x866,683:866,Screenshot_20230516_104331….png)


you're typing on a KEYPAD….

not a keyboard…


a computer has aKEYPAD

yes, I'm aware that computer manufacturers call them KEYBOARDS

(but that'd the same thing as dentists letting you think it's Novocaine)

it's too much trouble to correct you

it's not worth it

it's easier to let you think it's called a keybard

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59d5d8 No.374023

File: 716fe1288959800⋯.jpg (63.73 KB,600x900,2:3,PicsArt_05_12_11_13_06.jpg)


you thought anime wascool

when it's actuallyUNcool

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59d5d8 No.374024


you think this is anIMAGEBOARD

it's not

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59d5d8 No.374025

File: 36a701c8b799746⋯.jpg (195.59 KB,1681x1600,1681:1600,blue_chat_room_round_gloss….jpg)

this is nothing more than aCHATROOM

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59d5d8 No.374026

File: 37808750db635f3⋯.jpg (235.16 KB,1080x1830,36:61,Picsart_23_05_16_11_21_05_….jpg)


you've been saying you are SMART

…..when in reality……


I've never seen a chatroom that didn't allow images

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59d5d8 No.374027

File: 0bc82b62c0d3d7f⋯.jpg (188.9 KB,1080x1797,360:599,Picsart_23_05_16_11_23_09_….jpg)

…..when in reality….. You're NOT

becauseyou don't have to identify yourself by birthname in chatrooms

in fact, it's not allowed

sure, they use 'screen names' in chatrooms, but that doesn't mean you're not anonymous

even with nicknames

Everybody is ANONYMOUS in chatrooms

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59d5d8 No.374028

File: 73a6e1c8374a6f0⋯.jpg (272.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_20230516_113516.jpg)

yep…. calling this an "inageboard" is just an extension of your need to convince yourself that your generation has somehow "advanced beyond" boomers

you havent

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59d5d8 No.374029

if anything, it's the total opposite

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59d5d8 No.374030

File: a665acd3c1ebef9⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,1000x625,8:5,This_Is_Why_You_Only_See_N….jpg)

The United States tends to do its own thing when it comes to categorizing things, and this holds true when it comes to pencils. Pencils are labeled based on graphite hardness, which in turn affects the shade of the mark left behind. Number two pencils are in the middle of the road when it comes to hardness and shade and are ideal for everyday use.

The numeric scale is used by pencil manufacturers in the United States, while international manufacturers tend to use a letter-based scale. The international standard of shade measurement, also known as the HB scale, ranges from 9H on the lightest end of the spectrum to 9xxB on the darkest side of the spectrum.

Pencils below the number two are filled with softer graphite and can create darker markings with a wider range of shades and tend to be preferred by people who work in publishing. Pencils above number two are filled with harder graphite and tend to have lighter markings and are frequently used in draughting pencils, often used by architects and designers. A number two pencil on the numeric scale is roughly equivalent to an HB pencil on the international scale.

Now that you know why you see number two pencils

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0601d6 No.375397

File: 9be26648b852d16⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2828x4000,707:1000,Waifu_1965_.jpg)

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