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a3f994 No.373785

National Institutes of Health Re-opens Gain of Function Mass Murder Bioweapon Production

Three years after then-President Donald Trump pressured the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to suspend a research grant to a US group creating bat coronaviruses with partners in China, the agency has restarted the award.

The new 4-year grant is a stripped-down version of the original grant to the EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit research organization in New York City, providing $576,000 per year. That 2014 award included funding for controversial experiments that mixed parts of different bat viruses related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the coronavirus that sparked a global outbreak in 2002–04, and included a subaward to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The new award omits those studies, and also imposes extensive new accounting rules on EcoHealth, which drew criticism from government auditors for its bookkeeping practices.

But EcoHealth’s war criminal director, Peter Daszak, says his group is very pleased to continue releasing bioweapons to subjugate human populations: “Now we have the ability to finally get back to work” he says.

If governments wanted to "defeat covid" they would ban "gain of function research" and label it a war crime. They would then arrest the war criminals who funded and created covid immediately, proceed to military tribunal (publicly broadcasted death sentences). They would then dole out to the public - voluntarily - REAL VACCINES which would contain Vitamins C & D, zinc sulfate, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. People could get it for free, if they desired to be recovered. The costs would be covered by RICO'd Big Pharma corrupt war criminal actors' seized bank accounts, not taxpayers! No lockdowns. No fake vaxx mRNA editing clotshots or passports. DONE. Covid would be defeated within a month.



EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH were the culprits behind the spike protein coronavirus bioweapon as well the tainted 'vaccines' in which the same bioweapons were used to deploy, spread and infect humans all over the world, which has killed and maimed millions of people around the globe over the last two years:

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a3f994 No.373786
































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229c7b No.373789




1 glass of Port will have you BUZZED AS SHIT

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4c53ba No.373840

bumping essential news

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998cef No.373893

bumping accurate news

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7448d9 No.374118

bumping logical news

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590f17 No.374218

bumping reliable news

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590f17 No.374249

bumping impelling news

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91f9ef No.374342

bumping real objective news

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a8e159 No.375442

anti-slide 124124

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d62045 No.375551

bumping absolute news

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983fd3 No.375649

bumping actual news

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3f5692 No.375885
































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9bb817 No.375906

bumping essential news

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7448d9 No.376240

anti-fecal bump 889`879

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7448d9 No.376252

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7448d9 No.376253

With these 12 steps you can become more independent while not supporting such a corrupted system. I took some ideas from another anon and expanded on some, but will link to the original plan as well.

1) Cancel cable/sat TV service. TV service is full of subversive propaganda and lies.

2) Do not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches.

3) Boycott Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, Google and other tech giants. Use a VPN service online to keep your info private from them and your ISP.

4) Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same. Best to have multiple bank accounts and diversify your savings due to the manufactured derivative debt insolvency crisis. Also own some physical silver and gold coins to protect your wealth. Buy from small local merchant stores, farmers markets, flea markets, thrift shops and use cash whenever possible. UPDATE: Boycott companies & areas that mandate vaccine passports. Boycott any companies that do not support freedom.

5) Support a pardon for Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers. Help spread the truth.

6) Join pro-freedom social networks like Minds, Gab, Bitchute, MeWe, Matrix, LBRY, Brighteon, etc. where freedom of speech and truth are respected. Follow Rense, Jim Stone, Zero Hedge, Natural News, National File, Citizen Free Press (or whatever else) for news updates.

7) Use web browsers like Brave, Tor, Dissenter, Librewolf, Basilisk when you surf the web. Do not use Google or big tech browsers which spy on and censor their users. Use Duckduckgo, Startpage, Brave Search or Qwant for your search engine.

8) Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint, Debian or others rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS (almost any PC can be switched to Linux). Check out Distrowatch.com for all kinds of free Linux operating systems. If you use an older Windows, at least disable auto-update and remove a lot of the bloatware, don't always keep it online. Use a 2nd separate computer or laptop dedicated for sensitive person use like finances, banking, personal emails, dating sites etc. Keep that separate from your other computer used for reading news, shitposting and other online activity you desire kept private.

9) Do NOT support the phony 'War on Drugs' which causes more crime, death, murder, gang violence and incarcerations, enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway. Best to avoid drugs and limit drinking.

10) Do not support endless war by your government, war is just another corrupt industry to cull people and use people as cannon fodder.

11) If you can do so, move away from cities and other populated areas. All major cities in America are heavily corrupted and run by total scumbags. Do not bring the "woke" or "liberal" politics to small town America, most of America does not want any of it and just wants to be left alone.

12) Become a prepper, no matter how big or small, do something productive that will keep you safe and out of harms way when a crisis comes. Have extra food, clean water and other essentials stocked up to last at least two months. If you cannot legally buy a gun, at least forge another weapon or buy bear spray and have that handy for self-defense. Never trust your government, even in an emergency, governments are out to control you and treat you as a resource, they are not out to help you.

Here is the original plan: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/943148464663228416

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7448d9 No.376254

Support your local farmers markets, make contacts and exchange info (business cards would do), buy from your local farmers around the area, consider buying quarter or half cow from a trusted source (half cow lasts one couple 2 years, longer if rationed). Cost of half cow is around 1.5K + small meat processing fee from the local processing plant. You'll need a box freezer to store most of it and your regular freezer to store the rest. Or you could go with two box freezers and have more freezer space to spare, either way.

If you are buying a quarter or half cow it's not at store cost (which would be a rip-off as stores charge extra per pound!) You won't be paying a price gouge fee, so it will save you a lot of money and that much beef will last you for some time! Just make sure to have a backup source of energy if the power grid goes down so you can keep all that meat from spoiling (12V deep cycle batteries, 2000W inverters & solar trickle chargers, or an off-grid solar panel system, or whole house propane or diesel generator.)

TIP OF THE DAY: If the power & internet ever goes out, or mass alternative websites including chat forums, alt news, image boards go down for extended period of time, prepare yourselves for war and prepare to defend yourselves!!! That is a major indication that could save your life.

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7448d9 No.376255

Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On


While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.

MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!

WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!

AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise


6 Totally Insane Things That WILL Happen If Our Power Grid Goes Down

1. All commerce will cease.

2. Communications will shut down.

3. Without electricity, all forms of fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing.

4. And of course, many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing.

5. When the grocery stores are stripped bare, the pharmacies won’t be far behind.

6. And finally, one of the most shocking things that people will have to deal with, is the lack of GPS.

In summary, law and order will break down at every level, and death will be around every corner.


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e9b077 No.376267

bumping important impressive inspirational news

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e9b077 No.376294

þ ðòï þ


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a85a4e No.376324


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4c53ba No.376493

bumping horrific third world news from a despotic communist takeover

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bb7a05 No.376896
































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a33aa9 No.376933

real news anti-slide

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39dde0 No.377095


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d62045 No.377465

bumping forbidden news

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998cef No.377536

anti-slide 21657

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609e7f No.378316

bumping non-bias news

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62aa53 No.378458

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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62aa53 No.378459

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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48f1d8 No.378717

war against humanity

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