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File: fff83f6ae823d81⋯.png (106.44 KB,724x683,724:683,6523632.png)

03973b No.373751

If You Eat At American Fast Food Chains You Are NOT Eating Real Food!

An exclusive investigation by Daily Mail might make you reconsider your next order of fried chicken at American fast-food chains. The investigation reveals these restaurants infuse their chicken with additives, preservatives, and other proteins to keep costs low. Some of these menu items are described as "premium" or "all-white-meat," but far from it, instead include ingredients such as seaweed and even wood pulp.

The report said there are more than 120 ingredients hidden within chicken burgers or nuggets at fast food restaurants. Those ingredients are listed below on a restaurant-by-restaurant basis:



MY COMMENT: Another reason becoming self-sufficient is very important today. People should be growing their own food and buying from local food producers at farmer markets. If you want real food buy non-GMO organic, raise chickens for fresh eggs, meat rabbits breed fast and will give you fresh meat yearly. It is smart to make contacts with your local food producers too, so you have a source to barter and trade with when SHTF. If you are not prepping you are going to be forced to eat a lot of toxic fake food just to survive in the near future. Next will be the mass culling in the $$$ medical industry $$$, best believe euthanasia is the next step to this tyranny!!!

RELATED: >>>/pnd/368040

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aabbeb No.373752

File: 2721689fcd164de⋯.png (241.37 KB,2178x1012,99:46,Screenshot_20230512_132059….png)


if you drop out of the 10th grade unable to spell COOP, you're a low IQ stupid fucking idiot

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aabbeb No.373753


you don't need to worry about eating fast food, Mr. Low IQ….


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aabbeb No.373754


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ed631f No.373764


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ed631f No.373783

bumping real news

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4072eb No.373839

bumping well documented news

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a51dee No.373897

bumping traditional legit news

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0c2a50 No.373914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm not surprised that our Elites are feeding us fake and toxic food, in this video at 11:38 it's broken down that some fast food companies put in as little as 50% chicken within chicken.

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d9fdb8 No.373959

File: 321c1cbc3f9ab56⋯.jpg (55.74 KB,800x600,4:3,1322.jpg)


Who gives a shit? It's fucking delicious.

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0fd18c No.374019

bumping real American news

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975873 No.375127

bumping outstanding news

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03973b No.375827

bumping outstanding news

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4072eb No.376443

bumping inspirational news

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419dbd No.376692

bumping solid news

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d71130 No.376793

bumping dependable news

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1737c4 No.376887

bumping total news

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79fe53 No.378270

bumping real news

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03973b No.380958

bumping top notch news

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0fd18c No.382050

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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7fe139 No.382610

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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25b6c7 No.383356

bumping substantial news

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