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5399db No.373649

Recently published books

"THE TROJAN QUESTION AND THE IDENTITY OF ROMANS AND LATINS; Egypt and Greece, A Correlative History; and the Identification of Northern Europeans as Scythians and Thracians According to Greek Sources"

The first book addresses the question of whether Aeneas and surviving Trojans founded Rome and gave rise to the Latin people, as Virgil and Livy wrote in the first century bc, or if Greek colonists founded Rome and were the ancestors of the Latins, which was the position held by Dionysus of Halicarnassus and other historians around the same time. I consider the fact that, as both Trojans and Greeks laid claim to founding Rome and to being ancestors of the Latin population, as is evident from the dichotomy between writers in the first century bc, such as Virgil and Livy who held opposing views to Dionysus of Halicarnassus, the civil unrest in that century, which consisted in multiple civil wars which toppled the Republic and brought forth the Roman Empire, must have had that ideological dichotomy underlying the political turmoil at the time. Ancient historians, thus, either attributed the foundation of Rome and the Latin people to the descendants of Aeneas, who was said to have escaped from the conflagration and destruction of Troy, or to Greek colonists, including Odysseus, who were also credited with founding Rome and many other cities in and around Latinum, contrary to the previous perspective. I trace parallels between the conflicts in primarily early Roman history and those of the Trojan War– putting forth the claim that The Rape of the Sabine Women and the Rape of Lucretia were intentional acts of instigation by conscious agents of the prior instigation, The Rape of Helen of Sparta, that started the Trojan War.

That book is provided in a pdf version in the following link:


Also, two rigorous philosophical works

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d46d3f No.373650

lol @ the stupid shit you waste your life with… seriously….

you're literally flushing the best years of your life down the toilet.. you're never going to get these days back

And it won't be long but before it'll be too late for you, and there won't be any way of reversing the damage you're doing by sitting there

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d46d3f No.373651


NONE of this "fascinating information" will ever get you hired, you get you laid, or ever come into play into the rest of your life, until the day you die.. it's absolute irrelevant drivel, and NOBODY cares

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d46d3f No.373652

You should have a screenshot of your thread printed onto a t-shirt, and that will guarantee a woman will never even say hello to you

That way, women will avoid you before you get close enough to try speaking to them

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5399db No.373675


America hasn't produced a single philosopher before now.

Your pragmatism is the only sorry attempt at theory in the American educational system.

Thanks to people like you, we lost Euclid and all objectivist theory, along with all propositional logic. You (as a pragmatist) are an outgrowth of subjectivism and relativism.

I will one day say that "I found this state a pile of bricks and turned it into a state of marble", in the words of Augustus, out of my pure idealism.

Your position is basically represented by a statement made by Schiller– "Truth is that which 'works'."

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5399db No.373680

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