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File: 32f216a719f936d⋯.png (177.53 KB,2324x1080,581:270,Picsart_23_05_12_14_19_35_….png)

cc73cd No.373578

But they teach basic grammar in the first grade, not in the 10th grade.. that means he sat there in class every day, for 10 years, still unable to master the lessons they taught back in the first grade…

Because his stupid little brain is incapable of learning

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cc73cd No.373580

They teach one syllable words in kindergarten. By the time you've reached the first grade you're learning multisyllabic words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 1st grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 2nd grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 3rd grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 4th grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 5th grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 6th grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 7th grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 8th grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through the entire 9th grade without learning one syllable words

That means dumb dumb sat through part of the 10th grade before finally dropping out because he was being ridiculed by the other students

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cc73cd No.373581

File: 9a1261b946e90dd⋯.png (159.91 KB,2324x1080,581:270,Picsart_23_05_12_14_29_49_….png)

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cc73cd No.373582

killcen isSTUPID AS SHIT

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60166d No.375369

File: 4af954f04f285d3⋯.jpg (537.7 KB,827x1169,827:1169,Waifu_124_.jpg)

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