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File: 49e79a774832f8f⋯.jpg (70.79 KB,700x700,1:1,0fb50a6dc10b0c7f8e37821fca….jpg)

5f3546 No.373569

mental illness is widespread and paraded

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ef87c4 No.373571

…..says the man without a job, because he's collecting psychiatric welfare "disability" pity money

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ef87c4 No.373572


imagine how PROUD your mommy will be when you finally tell her you're going to use your welfare checks to find your own apartment and pay your own rent

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ef87c4 No.373573

File: f1bfc107ce1106d⋯.jpg (170.67 KB,1080x1080,1:1,OPs_a_faggot.jpg)


You're never going to give your mother a grandchild until you finally become heterosexual and move out of her goddamn spare bedroom

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ef87c4 No.373574

File: 3a04a0be397f397⋯.jpg (196.54 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_05_12_13_56_47_….jpg)


….or did you think you were going to be allowed to remain infantile forever?

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ef87c4 No.373575

File: 8cc0b409d256981⋯.jpg (113.14 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_05_12_13_58_51_….jpg)


okay, so maybe you're NOT attracted to women…..

But any potential boyfriend is going to find it really creepy and weird that it's taking you this long to finally stop being a little Mama's sissy boy..

your lack of experience is going to appear creepy at your age..

When you finally meet some black dude you're interested in, he's going to realize you have zero experience, but you're old enough to have kids, and he's going to look for somebody else who's not such a creepy Misfit weirdo

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ef87c4 No.373576

File: de122d82c7c3c8a⋯.jpg (186.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_05_12_14_01_57_….jpg)


But you haven't been a toddler in over 32 years…..

And your mother wants her life back again, so she's going to throw you out on your ass, so I'd suggest you begin looking for a place to live immediately

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ef87c4 No.373577

File: 5e4a0c7c541d8fc⋯.jpg (152.59 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_05_12_14_05_28_….jpg)


But at this point, your mother no longer feels sorry for you, and she's already figured out the reason why you still can't seem to find a girlfriend

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