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File: 8bff9e32fe04641⋯.jpg (616.34 KB,1383x854,1383:854,food_crisis_manufactured_2.jpg)

a8857a No.373550

Killcen's Zero-waste Fertilizer Slush for gardens. This will give your plants all the nutrients they need to grow as well enrich your soil for later years. You need an empty 50 gallon Brute barrel. This will take a month or two to fill up. Start filling the barrel with compost, egg shells, used coffee grounds, any weeds that you pick from your garden, raked up leaves, leftover tinder from firewood, ash from a wood burning stove and/or outdoor fire pit, dirt, chicken coup droppings, etc. Once the 50 gallon drum is filled with all the natural salvaged compostings, fill it up with water. Once filled, close the lid and let it sit away from the house in the sun (warning: this will begin to stink badly!) Within the next two months you will have a blackened slush, this slush contains all the essential nutrients plants rely on to live. HOW TO USE THE SLUSH: Simply put one part slush with every five parts water before watering your plants. You will not have to use this every time you water your plants, maybe once a week would be enough. The garden soil will become super enriched, plants will thrive. You can keep adding to the barrel and rotating it year after year. This is the cheapest way to fertilize a garden.

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3b5f14 No.373566

File: 2721689fcd164de⋯.png (241.37 KB,2178x1012,99:46,Screenshot_20230512_132059….png)

stupid illiterate idiot

can't even spell ONE SYLLABLE WORDS

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294828 No.373664

bumping brilliant news

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aad3b6 No.373832

bumping verified news

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