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File: 507c82bdfadb658⋯.png (30.63 KB,822x620,411:310,divers.png)

76c72b No.373547

| TOLERANCE OF DIVERSITY IS A DEATH CULT | FREE YOUR MIND https://www.bitchute.com/video/7KzFoyNqus1Q/

A common tyranny rules over us all. It is

#anitWhite #AntiChrist #AntiMale #AntiLife

We are ruled by a Death Cult! What else can you

call any system with the above attributes?

WWII? Victory? Nay, say not this foolish thing!

The 9th of May 1945, was the Day that Christian

Civilization was destroyed!

We refuse to play word games and pretend that

reality not the way it is … Tolerance of Diversity is a

Death Cult that only Timid CUCKS will

accommodate. Will we offend some of you?


The #Zionist War Mongers have expended most of

our material strength while their #CRT brethren

insist we deny our own race exists, except to serve

#Jews, #Diversity and #MLK. It is a vile cult of self


A pure death cult! Ran by? Who are the Priests?

They now control your media. They tell you that

pride in your culture is bad. They promote pornography,

homosexuality, race mixing and other


They send all your jobs and industries to Third

World nations so that they can receive maximum profits

out of cheap labor to fuel their Capitalist stomachs. They

open your borders and flood culturally and racially alien

immigrants into your countries so that you can be

bred out of existence. They control your banks and keep

you working for a pittance whilst you're subjugated to

their rule because you decided to take a loan out on a

house and other necessities. They destroy your men and

they destroy your women by using feminism in order to

divide and conquer thus emasculate.

Who are they? Who has the real power here and

can have your life crushed for offending their lies

and half truths?


You all know … though many will never say it.

People used to think the red pill meant not trusting

democrats, but it's actually so much worse than


It starts out there and turns into:

Diversity is White Genocide; White Lives Matter;

It's Okay To Be White; Anti-Racist Is Anti-White …No coming back … Flee while you can!

Meanwhile in Normie land:

Americans: America is an idea, not a race, religion,

or ethnicity. Capitalism makes America great.

Also Americans: Oh my, why does everyone see

this country as nothing more than an economic

zone to exploit?

Well because your values are valueless! The Worth

of your wealth is worthless then the worth of your

BLOOD … Life > Money … Silly!

Republicans are gonna … Any time now … ( how do you keep a moron in suspense?)

Reality Check … They are part of the Jailer Class not liberators!

Prepping America for Genocide

Every mass killing begins as a social or economic

justice movement seeking to redress a historical

grievance narrative.

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites

#WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People

#WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride

#EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth

#Heritage #Community #CommonGood

#WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family

#Autarky #Freedom

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501e26 No.373548

File: 282e6a11d43dff0⋯.jpg (170.86 KB,922x1024,461:512,BLACKROCK.jpg)


thanks anon. I appreciate the newfag disclaimer. As a 48 y/o fag encumbered by debts sanctioned against me and my will or choice, how do u I cope without brainmisting the wind? I refuse to partake in the kike system and support their efforts in any regard. Opposition of the convention most fuel is the fundamental underrated logical gate of litmus we can into. It is set with arbiters that understand the necessary temporal reqs to insure divergence of identity.

>all pic related in way to unto

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1108f1 No.373549

File: a91c000e4fde909⋯.jpg (21.73 KB,640x360,16:9,YEP_they_re_communists.jpg)


>Capitalist stomachs

In no way shape or form they are Capitalists, we don't have free market capitalism anymore, it's all centrally controlled and by corrupt governments and central bankers. The whole economy is rigged today, anti-trust laws are no longer enforced as they should have been long ago.

>Capitalism makes America great.

It did make America great, but it took a few decades of corruption and infiltration with increasing socialist/communist policies to ruin the nation. And here we are now.

(Pic related: the WEF owns most Western political leaders. Pic is WEF head.)

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501e26 No.373551


>It did make America great, but it took a few decades of corruption and infiltration with increasing socialist/communist policies to ruin the nation. And here we are now.

nice comment, would you on the actual OP's thread rather than your dissection and divergence without substantiation?

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501e26 No.373552


who's responsible, (other than u)?

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501e26 No.373553


dear charlie,

do you think the time is proxy to occurrence, the agent you assign is worth it or is she/he just a 9/11?

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1108f1 No.373556


I think most of what OP said is correct, although I must admit I totally disagree we live in a free market capitalist society today.

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501e26 No.373558


we got a live one niggers.

state your name and gender for the reord before you get into the biggest assrape youve never seeen due to angles.

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1108f1 No.373560


You won't do shit.

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501e26 No.373561




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d747a5 No.374136

Bunch of Bitche

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1108f1 No.375758

bumping solid news

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