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708046 No.373429

Veteran Chicago Prosecutor Quits Over Bad Leadership And High Crime: "I Will Not Raise My Son Here"

A 20-year veteran Chicago prosecutor quit his job and wrote a blistering letter to his colleagues on his way out Friday, blasting the city's "stupid" leaders and declaring they set the city "on a course to disaster"

Jason Poje, a felony trial attorney, put in his two weeks' notice with the city at the end of April. Before he left, however, he sent a goodbye letter to 85 colleagues to explain that the city's insistence on following a "popular political agenda" has made Chicago more dangerous for everyone.

"The simple fact is that this State and County have set themselves on a course to disaster. And the worst part is that the agency for whom I work has backed literally every policy change that had the predicable, and predicted, outcome of more crime and more people getting hurt," Poje wrote, referring to the office of Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx.

"Bond reform designed to make sure no one stays in jail while their cases are pending with no safety net to handle more criminals on the streets, shorter parole periods, lower sentences for repeat offenders, the malicious and unnecessary prosecution of law enforcement officers, overuse of diversion programs, intentionally not pursuing prosecutions for crimes lawfully on the books after being passed by our legislature and signed by a governor, all of these so-called reforms have had a direct negative impact, with consequences that will last for a generation," he continued.

Poje also remarked on how he respected his colleagues who were willing to stay in the city despite the difficulties. Poje said he needed to leave for the sake of his family's safety.


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09d130 No.373456


>I won't raise my son here

>I'll raise him to believe in racial equality anyway

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14f40f No.373480



nobody cares

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14f40f No.373481


lol @ yahoo

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708046 No.373662

bumping interesting news

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edb97f No.374110

bumping correct news

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e58dd1 No.374832

bumping factual news

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edb97f No.375799

bumping top notch news

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