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6954d3 No.373365

FDA Approves Pills Containing Human Feces

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Vowst, the first oral biologic drug for fecal microbiota that was shown in clinical trials to be as effective as fecal microbiota transplants given rectally. Biologic drugs are derived from blood, proteins, bacteria, and other living organisms.

In a traditional fecal microbiota transplant or FMT, healthy donor stool is transferred into the colon of a patient, usually via colonoscopy or retention enema. Late last year, the FDA approved the first microbiota product for rectal administration to C. diff patients.

C. diff, often contracted by taking antibiotics, is highly a contagious bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever and can result in organ failure and even death. Recurrent infections within two to eight weeks are a problem for about one in six patients, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Risk factors include recent hospital or nursing home stay, a weakened immune system, and previous C. diff infections.

In response to the approval of the new oral microbiota product, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in a news release:

“The availability of a fecal microbiota product that can be taken orally is a significant step forward in advancing patient care and accessibility for individuals who have experienced this disease that can be potentially life-threatening.”

Vowst—taken as a dose of four capsules for three consecutive days — is not free of risk. The donated human fecal matter is screened for transmissible pathogens before it is manufactured. However, as the news release pointed out, there is a possibility that donor stool used in the pill could be infected with infectious pathogens, as well as food allergens. The potential for adverse reactions caused by Vowst due to such allergens is unknown.

That’s a potential concern, Dr. Sabine Hazan, gastroenterologist, CEO of ProgenaBiome, and expert on gut bacteria told The Epoch Times.

“As much as we can solve one problem, we may be developing others,” she cautioned. “We have to be careful and monitor these patients carefully to make sure they don’t develop other problems.”

There’s no FDA-approved screening test for COVID-19 on the donor samples, Hazan said, so it’s incumbent on the companies that collect donor stool and process it for transplants to do their own testing. The virus can be isolated on a forensics level.

Another concern, she said, is that there’s a reliance on the healthy status of donor stool, which isn’t subject to any particular standard. In Hazan’s practice, patients choose their own donors—usually from among close family members if possible. All health conditions of the donors are considered and discussed.

That’s not to say the new pill cannot be successful. Hazan pointed out that the field of using poop to treat infections and diseases is a bit crazy, but the results with C. diff are some of the more impressive results seen.

“We are advancing the field by approving this,” she said. “Hopefully it will do well and it’s safe, and it doesn’t cause any complications. Going from the clinical trials to the clinic are two different things.”


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9cf5c2 No.373367


the LOW IQ DROPOUT doesn't understand internal medicine?

SURPRISE!!!!right? whodathunk?

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9cf5c2 No.373368



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9cf5c2 No.373369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you can't learn… you've never been able to learn correctly… the other students all learned and advanced, while you sat there quietly, hoping nobody noticed that you weren't retaining the knowledge.

your brain doesn't learn, because you're LAZY

you put so much effort into the lowest hanging fruit, the same 3 fake news websites… Mr. Lazy LOW Effort Copy & Paste

"news" stories, which everybody already knows about… as if we needed YOU to inform us about the news

Copy & Paste Copy & Paste

so much time online…. not learning

Copy & Paste Copy and Paste

yet you pust absolutely ZERO EFFORT into availing yourself to the vast array of educational resources of the internet

you are LAZY…. and STUPID

you quite literally have the expertise of a monkey

monkeys have the same "higher knowledge" as you… grunt grunt oooga ooga

like an ape…. in front of a computer

you don't even have a 6th Grade Level understanding of Science or Chemistry

I've met Elementary School Kids with a better understanding of science & technology than you

I'm NOT joking

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9cf5c2 No.373370

"FDA Approves Pills Containing Human Feces"


because JN Approves Killcen Eating MY Shit

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9cf5c2 No.373371

fuck you, fool

go punch a baby deer

go molest a child

go abuse a woman

you white trash coward

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9cf5c2 No.373372


old weak coward bitch

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9cf5c2 No.373373

go terrify a woman

go scare a child

go kick a puppy



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9cf5c2 No.373374

you ain't got the balls to go face to face with a MAN….. you fucking btch

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9cf5c2 No.373375

go PREPARE for the upcoming heart attack, you washed up old granny

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9cf5c2 No.373376

you stupid learning-incapable TRAILERTRASH REDNECK HICK

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9cf5c2 No.373377

go use a weapon on a defenseless animal

go intimidate your daughter

go threaten a woman


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b3406b No.373405

bumping factual news

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b687f0 No.373492

bumping traditional news

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b576c2 No.374007

bumping blacklisted news

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2e8b23 No.374155

bumping improved news

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d45dfd No.374841

bumping highly respected news

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2e8b23 No.374895

bumping appreciated news

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a71649 No.375041


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a71649 No.375060


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89dd18 No.375281

bumping highly respected news

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7158ca No.375342

bumping pragmatic news

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35aa9e No.375832

bumping genuine news

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2e8b23 No.376441

bumping impressive news

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3e0046 No.377066

bumping legit rational news

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c56ce1 No.378299

bumping real American news

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b576c2 No.380019

America is run by deranged corrupt psychopaths.

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35aa9e No.380570

bumping popular legit news

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b687f0 No.382174

bumping unprovoked news

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6cc4b8 No.383926


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6d630c No.383956


idk about yall, but havings somebody's shit surgically inserted into my rectum <<< eating a little bit of shit in a gel capsule

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992d73 No.384596

real news

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b687f0 No.384877

Our government is a deadly cancer.

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b687f0 No.384984

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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b687f0 No.385470

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000082

Good! Fifth Circuit Tells Federal Government To SHUT DOWN Their Online Censorship Regime!


The court’s opinion comes in the landmark free speech case in the digital era, Missouri v. Biden. Before the litigation landed in appellate court, Louisiana District Judge Terry A. Doughty declared in a fitting Independence Day ruling that federal authorities from the Biden White House to the FBI and CDC had likely engaged in “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Biden To Fund Ukraine Without Congress Via State Department Money


Hillary Clinton Is Scared Some Americans Favor Russia’s Resistance To The Empire of Lies


"Honestly, I don't understand any American siding with [Russian President] Putin, but we have seen it, and we have heard it, and we have to fight against it" PBS quoted her as saying.

Eleven Activists Arrested Outside Bernie Sanders Office After Demanding End To Ukraine Conflict


Trump Ousted From Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest Americans Due To Theft, Political Lawfare


Congressional Approval Hits All Time Low, Under 20%


71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


MY COMMENT: Prepping for the worst was the right thing to do. Absolutely no regrets.

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973fe9 No.386527


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71521a No.387012

bumping appreciated news

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