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e626e5 No.373299

the book alleges that Disney was “fond of trying on his mother's make-up, clothes and high heels” as a child and that he could uh, “never get an erection for women.” https://www.ocweekly.com/new-book-alleges-walt-disney-was-a-gay-pedophile-6465882/

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f963dc No.373304

lol @ it taking you this long to FINALLY realize that Walter Disney was homosexual


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f963dc No.373306


everybody knows he was gay, dumbass

I'vealwaysknow he was gay, ever since I was a kid, and I'm 60 years old DUMBASS

lol @ this being "news" to you


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f963dc No.373307


it's WEIRD… it's not normal to be obsessed with child molestation

I mean, of course NOBODY likes child molesters . duuhh….

but normal people don't fixate on it

we don't sit around thinking about it

we don't create self righteous protest threads about it

we don't wake up thinking about it

we don't go to sleep thinking about it

it's weird

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6e84b4 No.373308

File: b417d0b0d782039⋯.gif (522.36 KB,400x225,16:9,f6992411_bd4d_4ea5_9c4f_04….gif)

I never learned to suck cock like you faggots.

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