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File: e68f9ce96841013⋯.gif (1.41 MB,487x498,487:498,ted_bear.gif)

6c0b64 No.373277

Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk Country, Florida warned parents that Walt Disney World is run by pedophiles and predators during an interview with WKMG-TV on Sunday, while announcing the results of Operation Child Predator II, which was conducted by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Auburndale Police Department and Winter Haven Police Department.

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5a43d0 No.373278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Really not surprising, considering the fact that sheriff Grady Judd is a very low IQ simpleton redneck piece of white trash

He's also convinced that he's got some kind of charismatic "star appeal", continually showboating and trying to get attention for himself, instead of putting his nose to the grindstone and doing his job like sheriffs are elected to do…

he also seems to fancy himself a bit of a comedian, although his sense of humor is somewhere beneath the average 6-year-old boy

Actually, these days 6-year-old boys are far more advanced than Grady Judd when it comes to humor.. Grady Judds sense of humor is more reminiscent of a nerdy sheltered inexperienced Christian 7-year-old boy scout back in 1968…..

He's simplyNOTfunny at all, but he seems to think he is some kind of celebrity comedian, continually holding his idiotic press conferences even over the most irrelevant garbage…

I actually know quite a few sheriffs in real life.. not sheriff's deputies, but the actual Sheriff's themselves…

I have been commissioned to illustrate artwork for some sheriffs, and I got to know them in the process…..

NONE of them behave like douchebag Grady Judd

NONE of them showboat, consider themselves to be entertainers and comedians, and continually hold press conferences to get their face on television again

they DO THEIR JOB, which is enforcing the law, and making the final decisions in many critical investigations, actively playing a role in the enforcement of the law, not just trying to seek self publicity


If he said Disney World is being "run" by pedophiles, obviously he's not talking about the average employees… the people who actually "run companies" are the upper brass corporate structure…

The same way people who "run a sheriffs deartment" are SHERIFFS…

That's bold talk, because he hasn't arrested any of the upper corporate structure at Disney whatsoever, so I have a feeling he's going to be facing civil litigation very soon..


Grady Judd is a stupid small-minded little redneck boy trapped in the body of a douchebag adult male who is also a preacher at a local church on Sundays

( anybody stupid enough to read the Bible and actually think it's a true story is a fucking idiot )

Nobody gives a fuck what Grady Judd says, other than Grady judd, because he's a narcissistic attention-seeking showboating incompetent incapable small-minded Little Fool

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5a43d0 No.373279


ALSO: you've made it painfully obvious that neither you nor idiot low IQ attention seeking douchebag Grady Judd understand the definition of the word "pedophile"

the term PEDOPHILE specifically refers to people who are sexually attracted to Young children, like under the age of 10

However, if you ever watch any of those sting operation videos, 99% of the suspects arenotthere to have sex with 5-year-old children…

nope…. they're NOT pedophiles…

CHRONOPHILIA : various types of sexual interests or preferences for individuals of varying particular ages

hebephiliais a sexual attraction to early teenagers

ephebophiliais a sexual attraction to late teenagers

so 95% of "pedophiles" aren't pedophiles at all

they're primarily all ephebophiles

do you call Volkswagens "refrigerators"?

do you call refrigerators "oranutans"?

so WHY would you call ephebophiles "pedophiles"??

why would you be so lazy?

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c63d6d No.373287

File: 2c6ad49cc4a9048⋯.jpeg (36.62 KB,455x480,91:96,17819c66_f548_43ec_a8a1_a….jpeg)

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c63d6d No.373288

File: ef8ae71c5a5a874⋯.jpeg (41.4 KB,720x866,360:433,c6b756df_5e79_4f79_8aba_3….jpeg)

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f19f05 No.373298

File: f39f94b5c9c8074⋯.png (60.28 KB,150x190,15:19,Screenshot_2023_04_26_1956….png)

File: a92e674ffea2504⋯.jpg (100.63 KB,1024x768,4:3,wallpaper2you_360136.jpg)

File: 501b23b2107cf2f⋯.jpg (31.72 KB,1134x1134,1:1,a1442915654_10.jpg)

I triggered a pedophile… so i posted a shit ton more of his pedophile faggot buddies too! never seen a child molester go off on pedophiles! what a fucking loser! Hahahahahahahahahaha

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