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File: 190027c6f28444c⋯.png (66.23 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.png)

cafc65 No.373148

World War 3 WW3 Is Going To Occur Because I The Savior Is In Bad Mood

The only person that can prevent World War 3 is me, the real Savior Messiah Buddha.

But now I am in extremely bad mood (over the last several months already).

And I have decide this month May 2023 will be my last patience and waiting month for this society/civilization.

I have showed and given many proof such as unique ideas, books, courses, humanity projects that will great benefit this civilization.

But no any groups/entities want to collaborate at all either for money, wealth, good karma or just for their jobs.

My personal situation is terrible, I cannot open new international business from my low tier country which have too many restrictions.

Thus, it is better for me to give up, to stay silence and let this civilization sink and collapse.

If you know any beings, entities who truly want world peace and better society for all, then you should tell them to contact me or make big donation to me before too late.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source: www . ascensionjoy . com/05/2023/world-war-3-ww3-is-going-to-occur-because-i-the-savior-is-in-bad-mood/

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5f7825 No.373167

File: 099960736f65a08⋯.jpg (6.71 KB,259x194,259:194,images_12_.jpg)


hahaha NOBODY cares if Ashley Nichole Schneider is in an agitated schizophrenic episode or not…

even your own mother stopped caring a long time ago


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5f7825 No.373168

File: f0c16d91542af45⋯.jpg (104.2 KB,1068x1071,356:357,Picsart_23_05_06_12_08_42_….jpg)

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5f7825 No.373169

File: 432efd9dc4e5b90⋯.png (1.82 MB,1080x1879,1080:1879,Picsart_22_10_13_13_10_57_….png)

File: 807d713cad762fe⋯.png (1.16 MB,1387x1960,1387:1960,Picsart_22_10_13_13_20_58_….png)

File: a69940dd5547d8e⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1888,135:236,Picsart_22_10_13_13_28_43_….png)

File: e40a1f199f64a3c⋯.png (998.49 KB,1080x1654,540:827,Picsart_22_10_13_13_41_58_….png)

File: 0a72ecc449b4edd⋯.png (347.33 KB,1080x1892,270:473,Picsart_22_10_13_13_45_05_….png)

32 years old, never had a job, never had a $100 bill, and still lives in mommy's basement (literally the BASEMENT)

yeah, I'd be miserable, too


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5f7825 No.373170

File: fc3c24a04006ffd⋯.jpg (108.91 KB,720x720,1:1,1661893065276.jpg)

fuck you, bum

you created all your own problems

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5f7825 No.373171

File: a68840a04d57eec⋯.jpg (530.81 KB,2121x1414,3:2,Picsart_22_12_10_12_21_16_….jpg)

File: 8f957742982933d⋯.jpg (551.61 KB,1080x1399,1080:1399,Picsart_22_12_08_14_25_14_….jpg)

File: 81e2704560efb78⋯.jpg (79.34 KB,640x388,160:97,Picsart_22_12_08_14_44_24_….jpg)

File: b93dfde86c9ad59⋯.png (1006.55 KB,901x989,901:989,Picsart_22_12_10_06_37_16_….png)

File: ad55e7287c511b7⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x1280,1:1,Picsart_22_12_10_11_38_38_….png)

you lazy sack of SHIT

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5f7825 No.373172

File: 91b182edfb639f3⋯.jpg (32.74 KB,724x538,362:269,DEAD_20180803223831.jpg)

File: 18ed0437bb5274c⋯.png (576.48 KB,714x710,357:355,PicsArt_11_29_12_201807262….png)

File: ee8445ee4062a11⋯.jpg (106.46 KB,960x660,16:11,PicsArt_07_08_10_19_38.jpg)

File: 67cd8c81bd2757c⋯.jpg (311.15 KB,1080x1920,9:16,IMG_20180118_125042.jpg)

File: 2a0edffde94d748⋯.png (490.86 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20160923_131522.png)

eat my shit, pig

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5f7825 No.373173

File: 9c2d80c75c18c70⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,3264x2448,4:3,9c2d80c75c18c706fa26478ea5….jpg)

creepy stupid uneducated schizophrenic future prostitute

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5f7825 No.373174




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5f7825 No.373175

File: f6013e950848876⋯.jpg (152.09 KB,482x354,241:177,51.jpg)

File: 008ae5e6b134384⋯.jpg (357.55 KB,787x804,787:804,_.jpg)

File: bb2a5027c092a7e⋯.jpg (294.99 KB,652x746,326:373,johnny_neptune_BURNIN_LOVE….jpg)

File: 9f088aa4afd3b78⋯.jpg (53.96 KB,360x640,9:16,PicsArt_1427353775675.jpg)


you're THE laziest, least accomplished, excuse-making, worthless fuckingMOOCHI've ever seen

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5f7825 No.373176

File: f3592d5c8b8819a⋯.jpg (293.55 KB,720x1280,9:16,1998e01d051fbff5d56fbe8ca6….jpg)

File: 991a6811510862d⋯.jpg (144.99 KB,736x1308,184:327,a1cf7bb80c0fce51d3a041e584….jpg)

File: 9a8d49624c4dfb1⋯.jpg (166.74 KB,600x1065,40:71,89545eecde6a1407903b0aa433….jpg)

File: 346fd15c1f3dda2⋯.jpg (191.21 KB,564x1002,94:167,e3937af28e251a8be4a00c2151….jpg)

File: 51d2f9837b52c31⋯.jpg (121.89 KB,736x1308,184:327,27d6f14f1e3bb1edfd7e0245c8….jpg)

you're definitely going to end up selling your nasty vagina


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5f7825 No.373177

File: 91f81caffc6f96f⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,2388x2560,597:640,Picsart_22_07_04_02_57_15_….jpg)

you're a fucking USER

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5f7825 No.373178

File: 52fd3470772bf8e⋯.jpg (474.32 KB,1600x1200,4:3,52fd3470772bf8eedfc504022a….jpg)


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5f7825 No.373179

File: e7c40c75889498a⋯.jpg (515.98 KB,1078x1846,539:923,Screenshot_20230114_071348.jpg)

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44533e No.373203

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