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File: 6014a55c346e691⋯.jpg (41.07 KB,762x358,381:179,vote_for_gold_1.jpg)

File: 2af20735c325049⋯.jpg (69.94 KB,831x478,831:478,vote_for_gold_2.jpg)

File: 0f9a1a517b2908b⋯.jpg (49.61 KB,808x451,808:451,vote_for_gold_3.jpg)

5f960a No.372959

Central bankers & governments are crashing regional banks on purpose to consolidate wealth as the biggest banks gobble them up. Once big banks snatch up all the smaller failing banks for pennies on the dollar, they will monopolize the entire banking system and roll out their new central bank digital currency social credit score system. Globalist institutions like the WEF will get their “Great Reset” which they hope will frighten the public into adopting even more financial centralization, social controls and a fiat cashless society based on communist rationing, carbon taxation, vaccine passport medical police state and mass surveillance. Those who refuse to take part of this will have to become completely self-sufficient and will not have access to the new rationed feudalist centrally-controlled 'economy'.

Bill Holter and Mike Adams talk gold, guns, security dogs and navigating the apocalypse.


Catherine Austin Fitts - Navigating Banking & Pharma Lies


Central bankers & governments are crashing regional banks on purpose to consolidate wealth as the biggest banks gobble them up. Once big banks snatch up all the smaller failing banks for pennies on the dollar, they will monopolize the entire banking system and roll out their new central bank digital currency social credit score system. Globalist institutions like the WEF will get their “Great Reset” which they hope will frighten the public into adopting even more financial centralization, social controls and a fiat cashless society based on communist rationing, carbon taxation, vaccine passport medical police state and mass surveillance. Those who refuse to take part of this will have to become completely self-sufficient and will not have access to the new rationed feudalist centrally-controlled 'economy'.

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8df983 No.373016

File: 5390dbb3f61a8e1⋯.webm (3.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,deanmom.webm)

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5b1cd9 No.373053

bumping popular legit news

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5b1cd9 No.373189

bumping premium news

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471d26 No.373351

bumping reliable news

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d5ac00 No.373745

bumping censored news

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37b659 No.373778

¢iñè>†b߸·’Cåî±Hf‘—û×_xËöüøõãï j¾×¾!Ýßèz¬

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8e6dd6 No.373880

bumping improved news

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d5ac00 No.374117

bumping censored news

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4ce07f No.374871

bumping certified news

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5b1cd9 No.374902

bumping certified news

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b6a0e5 No.375036


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b6a0e5 No.375054


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cb62d7 No.375169

bumping well documented news

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8e6dd6 No.375216

bumping confirmed news

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a36ff1 No.375417


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bd4922 No.375544

bumping important improved news

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d5ac00 No.375848

bumping eloquent news

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d5ac00 No.376231

anti-fecal bump 43634

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437471 No.376280


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5b1cd9 No.376484

anti-slide 382194078190

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fd69c8 No.376898

anti-slide legit

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668d27 No.377432

bumping legit factual news

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bd4922 No.377467

bumping dependable news

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8e6dd6 No.377535

anti-slide 9893

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21c449 No.377614

bumping trustworthy real news

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c8a8d7 No.377745

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d5ac00 No.380953

bumping appreciated news

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c8a8d7 No.381830

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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c8a8d7 No.381842

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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d5ac00 No.383067

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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92d447 No.384426

bumping accurate news

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03b2c4 No.384583

anti-slide pmxdfo8w23m

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21c449 No.384654

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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