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File: 45023cab0eb36ce⋯.png (453.35 KB,658x588,47:42,5235523.png)

134d63 No.372925

Brave Search Engine Officially Cuts Ties With Bing Over Censorship

From now on, the privacy-focused search engine Brave Search will no longer use Bing or any other third-party indexes because of rampant censorship.

As part of an effort to stop relying on any technology solutions controlled by what has come to be known as Big Tech, Brave Search will instead use its own solutions exclusively to ensure users are given full and accurate search results, no matter the topic or query.

“By default, Brave Search users will now receive 100% of results from the Brave Index, giving users fully independent results,” Brave announced in a blog post. “As always, our results will preserve user privacy.”

First launched in 2021, Brave Search is an extension of the Brave web browser, which is marketed as a “private search engine.” Up until now, Brave Search relied on other indexes for about 13 percent of user search queries, though last year the company was able to trim that figure down to just 7 percent.

Now, 0 percent of Brave Search results come from outside indexes. This was made possible using tools such as the Web Discovery Project, which allows Brave browser users to send anonymous data to the company to help develop Brave’s internal index.

Back in summer of 2020, Microsoft publicly admitted that its Bing search engine censors search results: https://naturalnews.com/2020-06-25-microsoft-admits-bing-censors-search-results-to-promote-equality.html

Brave also announced the launch of its own search API, though further details on that have yet to be released.

“Since its launch, privacy-preserving Brave Search has been the only global, independent alternative to serve results almost exclusively from its own index,” the company further revealed.

“That meant far less reliance on the existing Big Tech options (Bing and Google) than the supposed alternatives – like DuckDuckGo – that are actually powered by these Big Tech APIs.”

In less than one year, Brave Search’s global independence score increased from 87 percent to 93 percent. This was made possible through the following:

The rapid adoption of Brave Search, which now averages about 22 million search queries per day, making it the fastest growing search engine since the launch of Bing.

The broad adoption of the Web Discovery Project, which allows users to anonymously contribute browsing data to the ever-growing Brave Search index. The result is that Brave Search results now have “the nuance and completeness needed to compete on both privacy and quality.”

“Together, these achievements allowed us to accelerate this milestone of 100% independence,” Brave proudly announced.


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fb993e No.372928


the same way MONEY CUT TIES WITH YOU after you stupidly dropped out of the 10th grade and became blue collar white trash?

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fb993e No.372929


the same way SANITY CUT TIES WITH YOU when you began believing in your imaginary "jesus"?

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fb993e No.372930


the same way VAGINA CUT TIES WITH YOU when you discovered you weren't particularly interested in sex with your wife?

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fb993e No.372931


the same way YOUR DAUGHTER CUT TIES WITH YOU after you destroyed her childhood?

(but after you drank away your pittance life savings you begged her to let you sleep in her house, and pay your way)

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fb993e No.372932


the same way COURAGE CUT TIES WITH YOU because you're a coward?

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fb993e No.372933


the same way THE EDUCATION SYSTEM CUT TIES WITH YOU because you went 10 years through school after never learning one syllable words in the 1st grade?

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fb993e No.372934


the same way YOU SUCK?

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fb993e No.372935

File: 50a482f7d692436⋯.jpg (152.69 KB,1142x1080,571:540,50a482f7d692436449cd78afec….jpg)



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fb993e No.372936


the same way REAL NEWS CUT TIES WITH YOU because you are insane?

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fb993e No.372937


the same way I CUT TIES WITH YOU, sending you running to another empty imageboard website?

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fb993e No.372938




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fb993e No.372939

File: 1105dff105ee670⋯.png (842.48 KB,1209x1080,403:360,Picsart_23_05_05_11_18_08_….png)


the same way BRAVE CUT TIES WITH YOU and suggested you use the new Chickenshit Browser?

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aa1335 No.372955

anti-slide 005684

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efd7d0 No.373055

bumping international news

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9690c0 No.373087


Bumping factual news

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9690c0 No.373088


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e290f3 No.374097

bumping premium news

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bb538f No.374835

bumping international legit news

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96018a No.375654

bumping inspirational news

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2894db No.377022

bumping important improved news

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d4dec1 No.380472

bumping confirmed news

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