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4857dd No.372752


a regrettable combination

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4857dd No.372753

Paranoid schizophrenia has no cure, however it indeed CAN be managed with the correct psychiatric medications, eliminating the symptoms, so the paranoid schizophrenic can begin living a normal life, free of the delusional fears, imaginary demon voices in their head, and able to FUNCTION AS A FATHER.

Unfortunately, schizophrenic people refuse to admit they have a problem, so they blame it on imaginary external factors, and instead of managing their illness through proper medication, they often turn to self medicating, like drinking disgusting white trash alcohol every night.

Unfortunately,alcohol does NOT manage schizophrenia, and in fact, MAKES IT MUCH WORSE

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4857dd No.372754

No matter how you slice a Snickers bar, it always comes up peanuts….

And no matter how you slice it, nobody cares about the delusional terrified misperceptions of an alcoholic paranoid schizophrenic who refuses to manage his psychiatric disorder

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