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688a3a No.372187

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df7277 No.372207


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df7277 No.372208

fuck the Australians

how can you "dox" someone who lives in the worst shithole island on earth?

their existence is ALREADY dehumanizing enough


Australia is Earth's Rectum

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df7277 No.372209

no need for specific cities or home addresses……

simply SAYING THEY LIVE IN AUSTRALIA is humiliating enough

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df7277 No.372210

imagine coughing up a hairball

of your own asshair

THAT'S better than living in Australia

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df7277 No.372211

imagine being repeatedly molested by Elliott Rodger's middle nipple, on national television

THAT'S cooler than being an Australian

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df7277 No.372212

imagine being a Samsonite Suitcase, that gets lost by the TSA in LAX, and when they finally find you, you've been turned into an ironic jaunty makeshift sleeveless tuxedo jacket by a homeless schizophrenic nego named LaMont

even THAT'S more desirable than being in Australia

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df7277 No.372213

and YES……. "nego" is the new, cooler version of negro

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df7277 No.372214

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