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File: b09cfb0c584d07d⋯.jpeg (2.3 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2748.jpeg)

3f2fbc No.372115

Everyone knows the Ukraine is losing the war, so why the lies from the US intel community?

Hypersonic Russian missles are unstoppable!

Listen to Scott Ritter https://www.youtube.com/live/IWXAMiRi7gs?feature=share


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b90603 No.372123





So all it took was Ron and Jim Watkins to pull the wool over your eyes, and make a fool out of you?


Do you make an idiot out of yourself overeveryincestuous homosexual bf/bf father and adopted half asian son team, or just Jim & Ron?

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924b3f No.372139


They don't care about Ukraine, they only want to make more MIC profits at their expense $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ C O R R U P T I O N $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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0caf9c No.372158

File: bcadef3adc8b40d⋯.jpg (233.94 KB,1241x1183,1241:1183,FUCK_YOUR_DRAFT.jpg)


MY COMMENT: OK, here is what the State-run media in the West has refused to talk about or inform their citizens. Over a year ago Ukraine was on the verge of making a peace deal with Russia, albeit hesitantly. The peace deal would have granted Russian control over Lugansk and Donetsk within the Donbass region with diplomatic ties from the Ukrainian government and a ceasefire deal. This would have come with an agreement that Ukraine not allow NATO bases or other Western military bases to be established nearby as Russia clearly views a threat to their border security. Ukraine was very close to reaching a deal with Russia…. until the neo-con war hawks within the US, EU and Britain convinced Ukraine into fighting Russia instead by promising endless military aid and funding. Fast forward today and the fighting is still going on, and in fact the Russians are taking control of other regions (Melitopol and Kherson for example). Some nations like China are insisting Ukraine and Russia broker some kind of peace deal, however Western governments and NATO do not want that to happen, they desire the war to keep going - no matter what. So here is the deal: either Russia is going to give up, or Ukraine will give up, or both (hopefully) reach a peace deal, or this war escalates into a wider war that could not only threaten Ukraine but Europe and maybe God-forbid the US too!

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72189d No.372159



please keep your irrelevant thoughts to yourself


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72189d No.372160


lol @ you thinking TWITTER is "news"

(you have a very low IQ)

and congratulations on spelling "whether" correctly this time

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72189d No.372161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1f701a No.372229

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