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File: f6babceca6d75aa⋯.png (48.94 KB,1112x579,1112:579,2794821948.png)

137afd No.372060

Tucker Releases New Video After Fired As Fox News Ratings Plummet To Record Low

RELATED: >>>/pnd/371880

After Tucker Carlson's surprise split from Fox News, the #1 rated cable news host in history re-emerged from his home office on Wednesday to offer a stunning 8PM monologue covering his thoughts on the media landscape, and his future.

According to Carlson, one of the things one notices when one takes a little 'time off' is "how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They're completely irrelevant. They mean nothing.

"In five years we won't even remember that we had them… and yet, at the same time, the undeniably big topics - the ones that will define our future - get virtually no discussion at all. War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources. When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?"

"Debates like that are not permitted in American media," Carlson continued, adding "Both political parties, and their donors, have reached consensus on what benefits them - and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it.

"Suddenly the United States looks like a one-party state," Carlson said.

"Our current orthodoxies won't last. They're brain-dead. Nobody actually believes them. Hardly anyone's life is improved by them. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue, and so it won't.

The people in charge know this, that's why they're hysterical and aggressive. They're afraid. They've given up persuasion - they're resorting to force. But it won't work. When honest people say what's true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who've been trying to silence them shrink - and they become weaker. That's the iron-law of the universe; true things prevail."

His video had 5 million views in less than an hour.

Fox News, meanwhile, suffered a catastrophic drop in viewers following Carlson's ouster.

In the 8pm slot alone yesterday, Fox lost nearly 50% of total viewers and nearly 70% of viewers in demo compared to last Tuesday.



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137afd No.372061

bumping relevant news

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ac7a58 No.372063

File: 483efc81201973b⋯.jpeg (324.38 KB,1425x1858,1425:1858,IMG_2148.jpeg)

White man needs help,

ANUMIT JOOLOOR the real one ,

Photo from year 2021.

After 20 years of some people trying to darken my skin.

Please talk to police about it

Take screenshots of this post

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73b6f3 No.372790

anti-slide 15`

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c4d9b3 No.374799


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1580ff No.375785

bumping international news

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cbfc9b No.377034

bumping vital news

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e84cfe No.377424

bumping dependable news

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ce7fd4 No.379264

bumping eloquent news

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