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File: 8af10f275b4c84c⋯.jpg (197.67 KB,628x1144,157:286,2019_lori_gilbert_kaye_inf….jpg)

878615 No.372029

Four years ago today, a moron who'd been groomed by neo-Nazis carried out a mass casualty attack. Being a complete moron, his only successful kills were Lori Gilbert-Kaye, the grooming board's old domain name, and his own chances of ever being allowed out of prison.

Consider this when you see accelerationists trying to convince you that one or another mass shooter is a "saint" who should be emulated. They've been promising that the NEXT mass shooting will kickstart RaHoWa for years… and every year, RaHoWa fails to happen. They aren't doing it because they think they can get a race war going. They're doing it because they like seeing people suffer - and you, dear readers, are people. Your suffering makes the Nazi groomers JUST AS HAPPY as nonwhite suffering does. Sometimes even more, since many Nazi groomers see nonwhites as nonhuman so they can't really enjoy it as much…

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