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6e3d76 No.372018

I have simply been messing with you, dude

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6e3d76 No.372019

Dear Killcen, there was no need for you to run and hide.

PLEASE feel free to stick around, and continue posting your real news

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6e3d76 No.372020

the world NEEDS YOU to continue posting your amazing real news

only a coward runs & hides

don't behave like a coward

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6e3d76 No.372021

Dear Killcen, I apologize if I was rude

I apologize if I said something that hurt your feelings

I was just joking

sometimes my jokes get a little rude

I have a problem being nice, but I'm working on it

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6e3d76 No.372022

Dear Killcen,

you are my buddy, and I sincerely hope you will accept my apology

I promise I won't be mean anymore


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6e3d76 No.372023

Dear Killcen,

I have always had a hard time making friends

but I'm TRYING

so please keep posting your real news, sir

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6e3d76 No.372024

I reallyDOlike you, Killcen

I simply have a problem making friends

and I often make mistakes


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