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File: 190027c6f28444c⋯.png (66.23 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.png)

fe22e8 No.372013

I The Savior Have Some Great Climate Change Books, Want To Work With Big Group Entities

Source: www . ascensionjoy . com/04/2023/i-the-savior-have-some-great-climate-change-books-want-to-work-with-big-group-entities/


I am the Savior Legend.

Now I have 3 great Climate Change Environment books that will greatly benefit the society.

Unlike all the current books about climate change, environment that currently exist on the market, my book my approach are completely different.

I not yet release and publish those books for many reasons:

– The books only in raw idea mode.

– My English is terrible, thus the ignorance people will not read it by just reading the review by some stupid one who instead of focus on the idea content but only care about the grammar.

– I not yet still either give it for free or sell it, etc.

– The “marketing” or introducing plan or how the book beings released not yet settled.

So it is better to work with some big group who are receiving a lot of money from the top secret controllers entities for the climate change, environment subject, topic.

By that way, it will bring the maximum result out of the books to the society.

There are some secret rules, secret affair only the very few knew.

So I am looking to work, to collaborate with big group, entities who interested in saving the environment, climate change, global warming topic.

I want to be straight that I do not work for any beings, any group. Thus I am looking receive some benefits in return and I am not going to collaborate for free !

I could either selling my climate change manuscript book and/or receive some reward for the book content or any kind of fair trade, it is all depend on the negotiations.

So if you interested in my climate change, save the environment books and/or want to collaborate with me, then please contact me as soon as possible.

This offer have 2 deadline:

Deadline 1: from now till 05 – 05 -2023.

Deadline 2: May 15th 2023 (15 – 05 -2023).

Depend on the situation and the outcome, I will decide.

But one thing for sure is after May 15th 2023, I no longer accept any proposal.

Feel free to send, share this invitation offer to all beings, entities who truly want to save the environment, save the planet Earth from the stupid ignorance people. You may receive big reward for just sending this message to topic secret controllers who truly control the monetary system of this society.

My contact can be found on my personal website or via search engine.

Email 1: talk @ ascension joy . com

Email 2: speak @ ascension joy . com


ID: live:.cid.5969ed256b6ec8c6 (Ascension Joy) .

GetSession ORG app:

ID: 0554f97e8d08fe896af4409c66ce10c5ee91b0e13efb664436707b2e249081cb29 .

www . ascensionjoy . com/contact/

Best Regard,

The Savior

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9ee8bd No.372014

File: d4dae2711bee2ab⋯.jpg (343.36 KB,1080x1764,30:49,Picsart_23_04_25_14_44_56_….jpg)

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9ee8bd No.372015


you will AWAYS regret doxxing the Two Amandas

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9ee8bd No.372016


you stupid fucking piece of shit WORTHLESS LAZY GOD DAMN MOOCH BUM!!!

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9ee8bd No.372017

let me show you what happens when you dox the amandas:


very horny woman

DOB 7-31-90



(920) 924-6760

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e2bad0 No.372027


you fucking BUM

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