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File: 190027c6f28444c⋯.png (66.23 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.png)

4a87b9 No.371848

The Best Public Way To End The COVID Pandemic Is Using Climate Change Reason

Source, More Info: www . ascensionjoy . com/04/2023/the-best-public-way-to-end-the-covid-pandemic-is-using-climate-change-reason/

This idea belongs to me, no any entities/organizations allowed to use without receiving my special permission for this crazy good idea.

The real reason COVID pandemic is still a mystery to all.

In my opinion, they are come from a combination of difference factors such as the eco system (climate change), the society system, the technology machine, etc. with that direct result to the human development issue.

How the COVID pandemic should be ended in the public way?

The official public organization such as the UN or WTO or national government can declare from the official statement but then it does not bring any benefit into the society at all, especially in term of human development evolution.

So what is the best official public way to end the COVID Pandemic event?

My answer my idea is using climate change as the main reason.

Because climate change or eco system affect all beings in this planet in either direct or indirect way.

Example: when the weather rainy or sunny, people will have different mood different decision.

If I was the decision maker, then here is the plan I will use:

1. Declare COVID pandemic event started from a combination of difference factors and one of them is the Climate Change.

2. People can gain natural “COVID vaccine” by study learning about Climate Change topic, and the most effective way is reading Climate Change subject book or any type of material.

3. Force all technology company remove their algorithm of suggestion on the main website of celebrities or favorite habit of users, change it to Climate Change related video only.

4. Open a public Climate Change creator competition to all the public people in the most fair way. Where only single individual person is allowed, do not allow any group/organization (from 2 person) to make sure the fairness and equal.

People can create book, poem, music, video, etc. About Climate Change topic.

5. Open a public Climate Change knowledge competition.

This could be done via digital cyber and/or in physical in-person.

Of course only individual real person is allowed

In both public competitions above, there will be 2 types of league: national league vs world league.

There will be also big prize reward to attract users, players.

– It is better to “issue” the money via climate change competition (to direct good user who care about the Earth environment) rather than giving money to the people in national government.

– Technology is a big issue, especially the social media.

By deleting, changing the algorithm of suggestion, display on the default main application, people no longer in the cyclone matrix media of many rubbish video. They can still able to search those video if they like, but no longer by default display/suggestion.

It is better to display the default app as Climate Change topic or eco system topic than any other subject.

– When you have public individual competition, you will remove their stupid animal lifestyle behavior of team group working but heading them forward real human god living with solo individual decision maker that matter.

– If the Climate Change competitions receive big success, you can open more other type of knowledge wisdom competition.

– With big competition and length such as (20 years or 1 season 1 year), then you will give people a new way to receive money via knowledge, wisdom.

Thus people mindset now will be more freely and less worry about money.

Above are my suggestion my idea of how the COVID Pandemic event should be ended. It must be done in a smart way !

If you want to use my information my idea for public affair, then you must make minimum donation of 1 million USD/Euro to me.

If you want to know more information, you can contact me to talk debate more.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source, More Info: www . ascensionjoy . com/04/2023/the-best-public-way-to-end-the-covid-pandemic-is-using-climate-change-reason/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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