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67d6c7 No.371643

No Border Wall? Get Chaos! New York's Democrat Mayor Says Migrant Crisis Has Destroyed The City

The Mayor of New York City says that the illegal immigration crisis has 'destroyed' his city, and noted that the Biden administration has done nothing to help deal with the problem they created.

"The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis," said Mayor Eric Adams (D) in a Friday panel discussion hosted by the African American Mayors Association in Washington DC.

Adams' comments came one day after he signed an executive order which extended the state of emergency in NYC over the influx of illegal immigrants.

"The City now faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that requires it to take extraordinary measures," reads the order.

According to city Comptroller Brad Lander in an April 7 report, the city has had to ramp up its provisions for shelter by over 75% due to the influx of more than 55,000 foreigners claiming to be seeking asylum over the past year.

Meanwhile, the Mayor's Office of Management and Budget says that the full cost of providing shelter and other services to refugees is around $1.4 billion this year, and will be $2.8 billion in 2024.

"New York State and (to a lesser extent) the federal government have begun to offer some assistance, though less than their appropriate share. But even with federal and state support, the current approach is beyond what the City of New York can reasonably sustain," wrote Lander.

Adams on Wednesday slammed the Biden administration for leaving New York City high and dry when it comes to the influx of illegals.

"The national government has turned its back on New York City," Adams said during a City Hall press conference. "We’re here today telling the White House we have been extremely patient. We’ve allowed the coordination of all of our agencies to come together to deal with this response."

"This is in the lap of the president of the United States."


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a3f4c9 No.371874

bumping logical news

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d59758 No.372003

bumping absolute news

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bumping improved news

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6a3bcf No.372228

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3581ca No.374807

anti-slide 7694254

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2d86e9 No.375658

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b063e0 No.375857

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1cb758 No.379247

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