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File: 92539855384591f⋯.jpg (164.12 KB,720x523,720:523,fide_world_chess_champions….jpg)

edb087 No.371341

We are in the middle of the FIDE World Chess Championship match between Ian Nepomniachtchi (Russia) and Ding Liren (China)

official website:


team Nepo vs team Ding battle organized by 4chan /tg/ board:


which side is /pnd/ taking?

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22db51 No.371374

there is no "we"

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22db51 No.371375


You should seriously take my advice and get a fucking job

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22db51 No.371376

Because soon you are going to regret not taking the opportunity

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22db51 No.371377

When a man sits around on a work day, bored and trying to think of something to talk about in an empty chat room, it's time to get a job

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