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38e56c No.371284

Wow, this allegedly happened around a month ago and notice this was not once mentioned by ANY press in the Western world. Not CNN. Not Fox. Not MSLSD. Not CNBC. Nowhere. They did not even desire to debunk it which is also very strange. Your guess is as good as mine considering there should be more confirmation and more solid evidence, yet it is still very plausible this NATO casualty did happen in Russia's offensive near Kiev. HUGE news if the reporting is accurate:


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c55c05 No.371328



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c55c05 No.371329

fuck you and ANYBODY who thinks they find "bews" on SHITCHUTE

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c55c05 No.371330

that's not "news"….

that's just broke trailerpark trash

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cac831 No.371401

bumping absolute news

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c52a7b No.371503

bumping legit factual news

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d9ff75 No.372775

anti-slide 29143

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cc2595 No.374796

anti-slide 61013

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