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File: ccb0cf9eb5fcd37⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,730x426,365:213,1625764835535.jpg)

71e198 No.371244

Dice rollRolled 5, 2, 1, 5, 4, 1 + 1 = 19 (6d6)

Hello everyone!

I need to remain anonymous so I won't give away clues about who I am for fear of reprisals from my bosses. I do this because I want to go to confession since I cannot bear the guilt of carrying terrible secular sins on my conscience and the idea of jumping from the bridge of the Saprissa runs through my tormented mind. I will start by telling you that I work for one of the most prestigious public universities in the country called the University of Costa Rica, specifically at the Center for Research and Political Studies, which is an academic unit of the University of Costa Rica dedicated to serious research, analysis impartial and dissemination of knowledge on national and international political affairs. This is in theory because in practice we do not carry out impartial analysis, but what we really manufacture is political propaganda according to whoever finances us under the table.

We usually work in collaboration with other departments of the university and corporations to manipulate the conscience of the Costa Rican to the interests of the owners of the country through rigged polls, biased news, misinformation and other strategies to put politicians who represent our interests.

Some of our crimes have been from times before the internet, such as preventing the establishment of Alcoa in Pérez Zeledón with the aim of impoverishing the general population because this area is rich in Bauxite, a mineral that is used to manufacture aluminum, which would generate many jobs and prosperity but with the story of the environment, the concession project was shelved since the objective was to condemn San Isidro del General to poverty to use the narrative that thanks to the abandonment of the governments of National Liberation and Unity National because the PUSC did not exist at that time we could capitalize on hatred and turn it into votes for the left after communism was legalized again in the government of Daniel Oduber.

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71e198 No.371245

File: 07ad895df64aff9⋯.jpg (197.76 KB,769x576,769:576,2786_1207124102.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1, 2, 6, 4, 3, 3 + 1 = 20 (6d6)

In times of the internet and the popularization of social networks, for the referendum on the Free Trade Agreement with the United States back in 2006, the "No Movement" promoted by us, the left, responded with trolls and accounts that were managed from unions, the Broad Front (communism), the Citizen Action Party (progressivism) and public universities.

In the "NO to FTA" there were accounts such as Kamuk, La Otra Cara, Radio Rebelde, Fusil de Chispas and also some activists who presented themselves as communicators, who, with direct support from parties such as the Broad Front, permanently attacked media outlets. communication.

Unfortunately, the FTA was approved, so we could not convert Costa Rica into a closed economy, but our cultural guerrilla adventures did not end there.

In 2017 we used public funds to produce a hokey program with Goebelian overtones called "Suave un toque" where we attacked one of the few decent politicians in this country: Juan Diego Castro, a lawyer who knows how to debate very well and has arguments that make us annoying because he attacks our operations and we left him out of the second round of the 2018 elections thanks to our undercover agents in the press.

This man was security minister in the 90s in the government of Figueres Olsen who modified the criminal procedure code to give him a stronger hand against criminals but as friends of the mafia that we are we used a university student to defame him on channel 15 of the university of Costa Rica with the misfortune that 5 years later one of our media agents would be sentenced to pay 15 million in compensation since the damn lawyer has a team of allies who knew how to do their job better than our legal guerrillas.

In those same elections we manipulated public opinion with the issue of gender ideology and cheap blasphemies against the Virgin of Los Angeles because Costa Rica is a Catholic and conservative country to put our candidate Carlos Alvarado of the PAC as a progressive rocker defender of the human rights and religious freedom but actually has a dark past doing erotic poetry about 15-year-old girls in SOHO magazine.

Continues in another post!

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e93f9e No.371246



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e93f9e No.371247




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e93f9e No.371248



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e93f9e No.371249


I didn't read a single word of your stupid irrelevant unemployed lazy bored loser thread…

I don't give a fuck about your opinions or perspectives…

Because you are an unemployed bum

You are an unemployed sack of garbage

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e93f9e No.371250


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e93f9e No.371251

in life, you will eventually learn that Society doesn't give a fuck about the opinions of a lazy fucking movie who can't even support himself

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e93f9e No.371252

oops typo

MOOCH* not movie

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71e198 No.371256

Another crime committed by our people was convincing Rodrigo Carazo to expel our enemies from the International Monetary Fund and to disobey his proposals to lead Costa Rica into an economic crisis that would generate unpopularity among the people in order to capitalize on votes for the left, But the move went wrong for us because National Liberation won the elections in 1982 and spent 8 years in power promoting the measures of the Washington Consensus. In the year 2000 we were responsible for the social protests against the opening of the telecommunications market that were in the hands of the monopoly of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute, a state company since we lied to the people because if the market was opened, a lot of agents would be left outside, but in reality, access to cell phones, land lines, and much cheaper electricity would be democratized, but as good leftists who hate the efficiency of capitalism and to protect the bullshit of the public sector, we managed to delay the project and bribe the Nation, We persecuted President Miguel Ángel Rodríguez until he was unjustly convicted of the Ice-Alcatel case, since he was always innocent.

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780175 No.371272


>Confession of a far left wing scholar

>Some of our crimes have been from times before the internet, such as preventing the establishment of Alcoa in Pérez Zeledón with the aim of impoverishing the general population

Comes to no surprise to me considering every single leftist institution is filled to the brim with corruption and fiscal insolvency and every leftist-run city turns to utter shitholes as well. I doubt it's a coincidence, it's planned that way to make a very few very rich at the expense of everyone else. TLDR: trust the corrupt run out of luck.

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780175 No.371277

Since this is pissing some commies off, have a real news bumparoo. You'll need it ;)

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71e198 No.371291

Unfortunately, the FTA was approved, so we could not convert Costa Rica into a closed economy, but our cultural guerrilla adventures did not end there.

In 2017 we used public funds to produce a hokey program with Goebelian overtones called "Suave un toque" where we attacked one of the few decent politicians in this country: Juan Diego Castro, a lawyer who knows how to debate very well and has arguments that make us annoying because he attacks our operations and we left him out of the second round of the 2018 elections thanks to our undercover agents in the press.

This man was security minister in the 90s in the government of Figueres Olsen who modified the criminal procedure code to give him a stronger hand against criminals but as friends of the mafia that we are we used a university student to defame him on channel 15 of the university of Costa Rica with the misfortune that 5 years later one of our media agents would be sentenced to pay 15 million in compensation since the damn lawyer has a team of allies who knew how to do their job better than our legal guerrillas.

In those same elections we manipulated public opinion with the issue of gender ideology and cheap blasphemies against the Virgin of Los Angeles because Costa Rica is a Catholic and conservative country to put our candidate Carlos Alvarado of the PAC as a progressive rocker defender of the human rights and religious freedom but actually has a dark past doing erotic poetry about 15-year-old girls in SOHO magazine.

The issue that sexually diverse people could get married was just as important, for us leftists, as the value of a zero to the left because we have always been intolerant of this social group but we use minorities as useful puppets for our partners, the Nación group, a supposedly neoliberal newspaper since it changes ideology depending on who finances it, could make unfair profits with the permission of the second PAC government in exchange for being allowed to indoctrinate children and young people with Marxist propaganda through the educational agreement with Cuba signed in 2019, a year after Charly defeated evangelical candidate Fabricio Alvarado in the 2018 elections and was only popular because he opposed marriage equality by secretly capturing the political thinking of our partners in the lucrative business of cultural battle , the Creole far-right.

But the traitor Carlitos gave us a neoliberal tax reform that attacked our parties in the public sector and to finish messing it up, he threatened us with the public employment law, so we started a smear campaign in our state media such as Semanario Universidad, accusing him of being neoliberal and to give tension to the matter in collaboration with organized crime, the National Rescue group was created to cause its fall in a national revolt and establish a communist dictatorship since we wanted to finish cutting the few individual liberties that remained thanks to our health agents in the fight against the pandemic had suppressed the voices of the dissidents even though they had their full outline of the previous injections.

Continues in another post!

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71e198 No.371292

But the 2022 elections were approaching and a candidate from the opposite side of the honest conservatives appeared, an economist with brilliant ideas and a lot of international experience who seriously put our operations to loot the country in check since Fabricio was easy to defeat for being single-issue by so we decided to communicate with our agents infiltrated in the International Monetary Fund so that they would look for past mistakes and we went for copper but we found gold because Rodrigo was sanctioned at one point by the institution for making inappropriate jokes with such dark humor that they exceed the limits of the good taste to two subordinates, so we passed the information on to our partners in the Nation who would publish the news for two reasons: as a thank you for Charly being president and because Rodrigo Chaves is very determined to put an end to tax evasion, a crime that the de Llorente love to practice.

As a Marxist, feminism only works for me if it works for my ideology, but when a woman has her own criteria and knows the whole story, that leaves my balls full because those of me have committed atrocities in the past in communist Bulgaria when They locked them up in concentration camps if they felt pretty when it came to dressing or listening to the damn music of the empire and now the deputies of the remora party, as the fighting lawyer tells him, follow our instructions to blur the concept of woman so that we can biological men let's recover the place we used to have with the support of current feminists, what an irony that gave me pleasure until conscience knocked on my door and the regret of guilt visited me.

But our coffee execution of the plan that the Democratic party had in the United States so that Trump would not reach the presidency in 2016 was just as unsuccessful as that of the establishment of the empire because despite the attack our agents made in the press plus the collaboration of wicked bankers like Baruch, Rodrigo got elected because people confronted our media partners on social media and we had no choice but to use a plan B.

That plan B is called the battle of the 50 samurai and I will detail it below:

In the few media that support us, since many journalists in the country became more neutral or saw that the current president was not the demon we created, we carry out smear campaigns extolling his mistakes to generate discontent, we use half-truths and complete lies to attack the actions that really benefit the people and through juicy bribes to fact-checkers, we get our fictitious narratives marked as correct information but what the government says is marked as false. We inflate their accounts with bots for government defenders with the capacity to influence social networks so that Ché Ariel and the sociological commander Ortega denounce that Rodriguista influencers are charlatans who buy followers to diminish their opinions.

Our economic agent Sofía has met with the leader of the cypress cartel, the financial criminals of social security with the aim of making workers even more precarious, meanwhile our propagandist agents will say that it is the fault of the neoliberals since an idiotized people and mistreated is like a chicken that has been plucked by its owner but behaves meekly if given a few grains of corn to continue exploiting it.

Continues in another post!

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71e198 No.371293

Another of our strategies is to infiltrate propagandists in public universities to indoctrinate students with socialist theories through compulsory humanities courses. This strategy has been in development for 5 decades, but so far they are bearing fruit because the remora party has control over two federations of caballitos, sorry, students from the UCR and the UNA and we have placed an agent in the UNED because this university is the most difficult to colonize because its students, being small entrepreneurs or workers in the private sector, do not eat as many utopias as daddy's children who study sociology at the UCR.

The idea is that by 2030 it is to put a hysterical woman from our group in the executive power and we already have the support of a sector of the oligarchy since socialism is a story for fools.

I have to tell you that many of our plans have had problems being fully developed because unfortunately the cultural conservatism guerrillas are very good at investigating and dismantling our operettas and we are at risk of being dismantled because there is a project to regulate university budgets , which is almost a checkmate to our operations despite the small victories such as the resignation of the Minister of Health through the constant harassment of our political and journalistic agents. And as in teleshopping, there is more, because in 2024 the spaces of the radio spectrum will be tendered again and with this they would plunge a very deep dagger into our best media agent: Sugar Daddy Cejas de Atol.

I am very afraid if we are discovered because the people already suspect our misdeeds and jail is not a good place for me, but unfortunately we will pay double for all the evil we have done.

Goodbye forever.

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71e198 No.371294

Good Bye People!

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780175 No.371320


>but unfortunately we will pay double for all the evil we have done

You helped ruin your own nations, what possibly good outcome do you people think this would have had?

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9f231d No.371343


1] Nobody believes you.

2] Q was lightning in a bottle. You will never recapture it.

3] Nobody believes you.

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2192e1 No.371399

bumping reality-driven news

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bf9445 No.371505

bumping reality-driven news

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05faa7 No.372773

anti-slide 124

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70e48f No.374795

anti-slide 14214214

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