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File: 3400bce0f9cd601⋯.jpeg (68.02 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 008B2902-7606-4DED-8259-8….jpeg)

79c557  No.37111

ACRONYM Shadow app Tara McGowan's brother-in-law Ben Halle , who is Pete Buttigieg's comms director, tweeting out caucus totals with the PIN attached is peak

Hey guys, guys, guys I think we gotta a prahblem.

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79c557  No.37112

The Buttigieg staffer tweeting out photos of the Caucus worksheets with the PINs clearly visible? Ben Halle, brother to Michael Halle — who's married to Tara McGowan.

BONUS! Wanna guess Mikey's old job? Working for "Hillary Clinton for America" in Iowa.

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6b5fe2  No.37113


So what? Let the faggot steal the nomination. Let him go up against Trump and beat him. A faggot and his first gentleman in the White House would be the best nail in the coffin.

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79c557  No.37114

File: d2342d71b65aa12⋯.png (27.03 KB, 376x232, 47:29, 3DA16AAF-B87C-4866-B40C-8E….png)

File: 6ff01857e61a744⋯.jpeg (17.68 KB, 346x146, 173:73, 516EBA3F-E6EB-4CD1-B455-D….jpeg)

File: e3fdf1b07d0b39d⋯.jpeg (65 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 41F289DF-30A1-41D6-8349-1….jpeg)

File: 4a97c4a95fde3d4⋯.jpeg (94.02 KB, 718x1021, 718:1021, 5467B256-A63D-4FDD-AE87-8….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37117

File: 8bab26cb8d8d791⋯.jpeg (288.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 4CE71963-B6C2-4B79-A58A-5….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37118

File: f626151fa87dd6c⋯.jpeg (102.33 KB, 716x941, 716:941, 4E5B1B2D-3210-494E-A44D-6….jpeg)

File: 8217d3a5d93e036⋯.jpeg (35.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, CA274659-880D-437A-9BAA-2….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37119

File: 8e7c91b2a7820ee⋯.jpeg (76.98 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 22638F15-8607-4C82-A026-7….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37121

File: 91dee9650f70774⋯.jpeg (155.89 KB, 1124x1531, 1124:1531, 2399BB19-2372-4F3F-A119-6….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37122

File: 451a446cfd8b8f0⋯.jpeg (170.67 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 9EED30C4-42D5-4376-8428-A….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37124

File: e2c26c8be1694fd⋯.jpeg (168.39 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6D2E3C20-E690-4B87-98ED-A….jpeg)

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6b5fe2  No.37125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The lefty soy-boy mouthpiece has already beaten you to it. The left fucking hates Mayor Pete, which is why he'll win.

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79c557  No.37127

Hire a millennial…

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03f3a3  No.37129


>fag CIA asset steals the primary

everyone pretend to be surprised

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79c557  No.37131

File: 632024dc00a24a6⋯.png (22.83 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 7746595A-CBF8-426E-AFA4-6D….png)


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2b0740  No.37133

Buttigieg is ONI's guy. Will make no difference vs. Trump. Stop engaging.

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79c557  No.37144

Bernie Sanders should change his campaign slogan from “NOT ME. US”, to just “NOT ME”

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79c557  No.37148

File: 9465ada4cd30b3a⋯.jpeg (173.07 KB, 1284x1170, 214:195, B3C9AED2-2F3B-4EAA-A9EE-2….jpeg)

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79c557  No.37151

File: 2511967dd352347⋯.jpeg (39.96 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, B717E6F1-98F8-4907-8023-8….jpeg)

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791801  No.37156

File: 6be424fa3de879e⋯.jpeg (195.04 KB, 999x1024, 999:1024, CA1BF5E0-93EE-431F-9A0B-3….jpeg)


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79c557  No.37158

File: 55fa2db9dd914b5⋯.png (228.67 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BDA6A200-24ED-409E-8030-29….png)

File: 430d2245cf9b759⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8E43A6FD-269D-427A-972F-CD….png)

File: f53f115f5e94c35⋯.png (1.28 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5329222B-F101-4920-B963-F1….png)

The CEO of Shadow, Greg Niemira has a github that is designing a piece of software to develop fake names and addresses. It’s called FAKER.

Check it out before he wipes it clean.



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2b0740  No.37166


>it's the catholics! right at the end

Uh huh.

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79c557  No.37174

“Oh and make sure no one at Homeland Security tests this app, even when they offer.”


This is some dirty shit.

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ffe2eb  No.37187

File: 1666398ac36dc29⋯.jpg (22.94 KB, 385x464, 385:464, NQZTkazSaEeqzs1iXiE92ug8yu….jpg)


>A faggot and his first gentleman in the White House would be the best nail in the coffin.

We already had Obama.

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ffe2eb  No.37188


>not knowing the roman pagan cat-lick church (or 'the vatican') is behind much of the world's woes today

I bet you think the crown has no impact either.

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79c557  No.37215

Next stop: NEVADA

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ee8eb6  No.37348

File: b67ea9c9e956425⋯.jpg (345.23 KB, 828x720, 23:20, Screenshot_20200204-212506….jpg)


this thread might spiral

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2b0740  No.37351


>why yes i do think they are good jews how could you tell?

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ffe2eb  No.37376


You in charge of reading comprehension. Make the holohoax real and start by gassing yourself, shlomo.

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