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File: f8fad21fe082997⋯.png (1.23 MB,8489x728,653:56,23582993.png)

e5afd3 No.371047 [Last50 Posts]

Here's what you asked for. More to follow. Use wisely & judiciously.

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e5afd3 No.371048

File: 4106a1e7dcf9372⋯.png (288.13 KB,500x761,500:761,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_25.png)

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e5afd3 No.371049

File: ccd09628a5ee5f9⋯.png (1.25 MB,1238x736,619:368,1137273744583483.png)

Monty's former Flickr, exhibit 1

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e5afd3 No.371050

File: e5b1d106179a3f0⋯.png (548.66 KB,1214x356,607:178,Catsfive_s_photo_library_2.png)

Monty's former Flickr, exhibit 2

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e5afd3 No.371051

File: d7526f00cd5f3f0⋯.png (1.59 MB,986x734,493:367,13890501944137419.png)

Monty's former Flickr, exhibit 3

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e5afd3 No.371052

File: cea8691139f9f28⋯.png (18.1 KB,1193x118,1193:118,Worked_for_CNN.png)

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e5afd3 No.371053

File: 7e8f36fdb33b347⋯.png (52.93 KB,1523x219,1523:219,Former_Vice_writer_questio….png)

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e5afd3 No.371054

File: 023106eb32abf6c⋯.png (36.6 KB,1518x168,253:28,Former_Vice_writer_yes.png)

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e5afd3 No.371055

File: f89116544122773⋯.png (15.55 KB,510x135,34:9,Former_CNN_writer_too_Pt_1….png)

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e5afd3 No.371056

File: dcf4a548268d2f5⋯.png (27.97 KB,1520x135,304:27,Admits_journalist_past_and….png)

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e5afd3 No.371057

File: aa4c1179e03a81d⋯.png (35.06 KB,1530x159,510:53,Attended_journalism_school….png)

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e5afd3 No.371058

File: 50203eb557b2ce8⋯.png (2.33 MB,7122x1672,3561:836,_I_am_the_Elite_journalist….png)

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e5afd3 No.371059

File: 57f4876cb0ba571⋯.png (1.25 MB,923x694,923:694,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_28_Ca….png)

The Paytriot mugs and bullshit are extra money for him. He and his handlers, who probably glow, run and own the site. His only income right now that doesn't glow is doing elderly care for his dementia suffering parents while living in their home. He shows contempt for these same parents and makes leftist jokes about abusing them while living off them. Compare to his The Science comments on GAW while also larping as a Christian.

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e5afd3 No.371060

File: 4ab7b67d13d56e0⋯.png (466.01 KB,649x731,649:731,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_24.png)

Claims he left his Canadian Girlfriend (a-hum, "wife") for getting the vaccine when he himself got it. The wife left him. This photo may reveal what her suspicions and realizations were. This is Catsfive.

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e5afd3 No.371061

File: fd0b3bc7aff1ba1⋯.png (1001.16 KB,979x737,89:67,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_18.png)

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e5afd3 No.371062

The above, a gay closeted Canadian journalist, is who thinks he rules you.

Make him Find Another Win and ponder his existence.

He's watching and protected by friends and the ADL especially on /pol/. Spread what you found here. It is real. NCSWIC. Flat Earth.

More to come.

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e5afd3 No.371064

File: 36d2020bf360455⋯.png (2.31 MB,8433x1011,2811:337,Catsfive_doxing_his_parent….png)

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e5afd3 No.371065

File: 698c7950b6c4a73⋯.png (19.81 KB,608x156,152:39,Because_Science.png)

Claims to be Christian when he needs you to obey and believe him but is atheist, like most atheists cannot help himself making sure you know that, and worships The Science, exhibit A

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e5afd3 No.371066

File: 983f8cfc6c589c1⋯.png (18.55 KB,921x128,921:128,Atheist_anti_god_dog_comme….png)

Claims to be Christian when he needs you to obey and believe him but is atheist, like most atheists cannot help himself making sure you know that, and worships The Science, exhibit B

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e5afd3 No.371067

File: b6ef7d76bd223fc⋯.png (1.14 MB,8450x789,8450:789,Atheist_comment_on_Christi….png)

Claims to be Christian when he needs you to obey and believe him but is atheist, like most atheists cannot help himself making sure you know that, and worships The Science, exhibit C

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e5afd3 No.371068

File: c0c3ca0c2d60ef1⋯.png (21.98 KB,1331x131,1331:131,Pardon_would_that_be_the_s….png)

Claims to be Christian when he needs you to obey and believe him but is atheist, like most atheists cannot help himself making sure you know that, and worships The Science, exhibit D

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e5afd3 No.371069

File: f202b1ff98dd9be⋯.png (15.62 KB,452x118,226:59,Admits_Canadian_and_using_….png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit A.

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e5afd3 No.371070

File: b6bf776df654807⋯.png (17.81 KB,708x126,118:21,Admits_Canadian_yet_again.png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit B.

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e5afd3 No.371071

File: 1de95fbd42ae3f8⋯.png (20.73 KB,852x122,426:61,Alberta_Why_is_Canada_allo….png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit C.

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e5afd3 No.371072

File: b00827eddce06f8⋯.png (23.93 KB,1513x140,1513:140,Canadian_2.png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit D.

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e5afd3 No.371073

File: 6ae7aca59c73204⋯.png (1.74 MB,8406x872,4203:436,Canadian_1.png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit E.

Why was he REALLY filming him?

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e5afd3 No.371074

File: a0415cfe4e4f052⋯.png (24.48 KB,1515x138,505:46,Canadian.png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit F.

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e5afd3 No.371075

File: e9d4971f8971c95⋯.png (29.03 KB,1525x141,1525:141,He_lives_in_Alberta.png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit G.

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e5afd3 No.371076

File: 69819cfc8df2e73⋯.png (1.5 MB,8472x756,706:63,_I_live_in_the_best_city_i….png)

Why is a Canadian with no Constitution and 1A in control of "the public face of the Q movement"? CANADIAN. Exhibit H.

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e5afd3 No.371077

File: 61b51e1b53df59a⋯.png (34.4 KB,1531x171,1531:171,INCREDIBLY_insulting_comme….png)

Contempt for America and Americans. Yet the lead mod of the public face of the Q movement. Be careful who you follow. Exhibit A.

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e5afd3 No.371078

File: cf33262903e80bf⋯.png (17.44 KB,875x125,7:1,Pretending_but_two_parenth….png)

Sooo antisemitic yet uses two parentheses not three. Also calls anons "frogs". Has no idea, or rather a journalist's idea, of what you and your movement are. Pay attention to these things. The devil is in the details. Note them.

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e5afd3 No.371079

File: 8db1bbca6e83163⋯.png (1.02 MB,985x738,985:738,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_15.png)

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e5afd3 No.371080

File: 2149ac040d5301a⋯.png (583.08 KB,506x741,506:741,MEET_CATSFIVE_YOUR_UNELECT….png)

Question: did you vote for this individual to rule you? Was he elected? Was there any election?

If you don't have a problem with that, don't complain anymore about stolen elections. This faggot bastard was appointed over us.


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e5afd3 No.371081

File: 03d1ad197b7b75f⋯.png (90.8 KB,1525x505,305:101,Drunk_gay_Canadian_journal….png)

If you believe him, he spent ten years at CNN while living in Atlanta (foreign worker visa?), also spent years at Vice, also lived in Egypt for almost a decade, also has experience in undersea diving with Navy SEALS, has also been in space, but yet lives with his elderly parents with dementia in Alberta caring for them and needs money so badly he's turned your site into a Paytriot market selling mugs and t-shirts. He's also not gay but will censor any and all pro-heterosexual comments and is fiercely protective of transgenders. He left his wife instead of the other way around, and because she "got vaccinated without his knowledge". Isn't that butch and what a journalist would imagine as right wing of him. Just what Vice and CNN want you to believe and hear. Too bad the reality seems to be she divorced him for discovering he was homosexual, as well as waking up one morning to realize, "I'm married to a drunk."

His admission. Not libel.

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e5afd3 No.371082

File: 0a355f464724e11⋯.png (923.1 KB,1858x990,929:495,CATSFIVE_S_BIG_GAY_THREAD_….png)

The thread that made many of you suspicious.

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e5afd3 No.371083

File: 8173386829d619e⋯.png (1.1 MB,980x732,245:183,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_4.png)


Well, here's probably why. Physiognomy matters. You can recognize pedophiles by their faces. Is this face heterosexual or homosexual?

Why did Mrs. Catsfive really leave?

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e5afd3 No.371084

File: 2e578ccb2d2d4ce⋯.png (450.08 KB,1215x813,405:271,Catsfive_is_gay_Pt_1_of_2.png)


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e5afd3 No.371085

File: 8005bccb8daad0f⋯.png (79.92 KB,1117x723,1117:723,Catsfive_is_gay_Pt_2_of_2.png)

…. Response.

They are grooming you, Patriots. They want you to accept the unacceptable. It's all a trick and you should leave that site NOW and focus only on things Q actually posted on sites Q actually built. This isn't hard. Discard your need for social media and start talking off-radar in places where there are no "mods" and you have FREE SPEECH AS GUARANTEED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.

Canada is a compromised Chinese vassal state and journalists are the enemy. Gays and eunuchs are that enemy's footsoldiers and berserkers in that order. Why do you frequent and obey a website ruled by a Canadian journalist gay in a crown who protect eunuchs and SILENCES YOU?

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e5afd3 No.371086

File: ab69c2d93e0f4c2⋯.png (127.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,_f_b_i_likely_Canadian_als….png)

Even when you ignore him protecting xenomorphs, attempting to re-teach you what God feels about gays even though you already know exactly how He feels about them, and even the boy porn, what should concern you is he is MSM and Canadian and telling you what you get to say and do not get to say. He has abused his power, he fucking wears a crown, he relishes that power and he has driven site membership down to a broken fragment of what it was. All the best, coolest posters left, and he is still eagerly aggressively sculpting the ruins into what he feels are in his image.

He's a power tripping MSM faggot and not the public face of the Q movement. Walk away from the site and go start one elsewhere with American mods. To be honest here is who needs to be your only mod:


Fuck Catsfive. You do not have a king and you definitely don't need a traitorous gay foreign one. Get rid of his ass.

ps, f-b-i isn't American either. Picrel. We say bored with. Britons, New Zealanders, Australians, Singaporean Chinese and CANADIANS say bored OF.

Go see if we're right.


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e5afd3 No.371088


This is a particularly telling post. He runs "the public face of the Q movement" from Canada but doesn't even know Arizona was holding elections? Those very important, vital elections still swirled in controversy because they were STOLEN?

Do you really see Q being this stupid? How did Catsfive encounter Q? How did he get the gig? Why? From his own now judiciously scrubbed Flickr and other accounts you can see he's not that remarkable, unless he glows and his entire public persona is a lie (strong suspicion). That persona is a doughy bottom who feeds his parents Gerber from a baby spoon and changes their diapers in exchange for a place to live because he's a freelance journo with a sketch as fuck career history. Yet at same time he claims he's dived with Navy SEALS (what nation's? Where?) and lived in Egypt (which will flag your passport at DHS and NSA automatically).

How did this flabby power tripper encounter Q and why would Q install xim and xis frens as the lead moderators of the public face of their movement? What it comes down to is he's lying and grifting all of you or lying and part of the DS. Either way, time to walk. Now you know.

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e5afd3 No.371089

File: 8b1577fae65556a⋯.png (82.29 KB,1140x678,190:113,Catsfive_is_gay_Pt_2F_of_2.png)

Now I'll post enough of his pro gay posts to support earlier assertions and debunk any attempts on his or his frens part to debunk. There is no deboonking this. He's a boyloli loving faggot and extremely compromised low rung loyalist to the DS. Everything he does and says betray it. In return for datamining you proles and crushing your ability to speak and share anything threatening to that DS he was given complete control over Great Awakening and it's also strongly believed Patriots, which is harder for him to control as himself, hence f-b-i sockpuppet. It's not generating as much money as he dreamed of so he asked permission to monetize it. They granted it.

The above should explain fucking everything fucky going on on both sites to you.

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e5afd3 No.371090

File: df371262e68e262⋯.png (62.15 KB,1017x422,1017:422,Catsfive_is_gay_Pt_2G_of_2.png)

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e5afd3 No.371091

File: 0e606bcaadef054⋯.png (520.92 KB,1481x933,1481:933,Censoring_news_unflatting_….png)

Censoring news unflattering to gays:

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e5afd3 No.371092

File: 1c52465a2e4bff4⋯.png (1.41 MB,8461x739,8461:739,Closeted_2.png)

Because straights talk like this. This looks straight. This will fool 'em. Right?

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e5afd3 No.371093


More accurate what gays say and how they talk when trying to convince us they are heterosexual.

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c99351 No.371094


100% TRUE:

None of your accusations about homosexuality mean anything.. I don't believe you or disbelieve you, because it doesn't matter…

I'm really good at reading people.. and his stories remind me very much of my own stories back when I was ZZ Top's art director at Warner Brothers

I was literally having tons of money thrown at me, being flown all over the place, always ending up back in hollywood, or to be more correct Beverly Hills and the Burbank Studios

Shit tons of money and drugs and pussy and I earned it, because I had TALENT

like me, he put himself into a higher class of career, and in so doing, he got to see and experience things most people could never even imagine.

( I got tons of true insider stories about lots of celebrities that I've known in my life, from world famous musicians and actors and comedians… when you're in the big league, you're going to rub elbows with other big players)

I actually relate to this guy

I like him. He seems cool and smart and experienced and, NO… his story about his girlfriend actually marrying the creepy guy in a Green Card transaction is actually very cool, and he's obviously not gay…

Obviously he got more pussy than you will in your entire life at this rate

He might be bisexual…. but he had girlfriends, so he's definitely not 100% gay…

But who cares? Nobody cares if he's gay or straight.. why is that so important to you?

He seems like a fairly cool guy to me

And so far,you have failed to show anything that he has done that's wrong

Is that your only sole accusation against him?…… That he's gay?….. that's it?…

You can't point out anything he has done that is illegal or immoral or unethical for unjust somehow…

No transgressions, no misdemeanors, no adverse traits or actions whatsoever.. other than your accusation that he is GAY?

again: you get no pussy whatsoever. Don't even waste your time lying to me.. I know you get no pussy

So this guy is already more heterosexual than you, simply because he had at least one girlfriend that we know of….

The day you finally get some pussy, be sure to drop your name into the heterosexual hat… but we're not holding our breath, so exactly who the fuck are you to accuse another man of being gay?

there's a big difference between you and him:

He's lived 10 of your lives so far, and still working on more.. meanwhile you're sitting in an empty chat room calling other men gay, while unable to produce any evidence that you are heterosexual

I'm not sure why you're so focused on the homosexual thing

I guess it's pretty obvious that you feel compelled to insist you are not gay, even though nobody ever asked

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e5afd3 No.371095

File: ecd6e07825d0401⋯.png (1.17 MB,6794x861,6794:861,Closeted_3.png)

More brazenly fake straightface. Imagine awkward silence over beers around the fire once this comes out of his mouth. "Brathilyannn!"

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c99351 No.371096


So.. instead of trying to get a girlfriend, you've been sitting there developing all kinds of hypothetical perspective, insisting this guy is pretending to be straight online?

But isn't that exactly what you're also doing?

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e5afd3 No.371097

File: 89c0aec5a9be4bc⋯.png (31.5 KB,1492x146,746:73,Gay_af_2.png)

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c99351 No.371098

like I said :

When was the last time you turned off your computer and went out there into the world end approached a woman and introduced yourself?

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c99351 No.371099


It's obvious that you're not employed

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e5afd3 No.371100

File: d0e338dc31c392a⋯.png (29.22 KB,1505x153,1505:153,Gay_af.png)

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e5afd3 No.371101

File: 0142a49813d546e⋯.png (57.07 KB,1503x331,1503:331,Leviticus_says_you_re_wron….png)

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c99351 No.371102

lol @ HOWFIXATEDyou are!!

I'm beginning to think you have a crush on this guy

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e5afd3 No.371103

File: 9621884296f7ea5⋯.png (471.08 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Of_course_he_had_to_commen….png)

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e5afd3 No.371104

File: 31e18a8f765a26a⋯.png (19.9 KB,921x117,307:39,Pride.png)

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e5afd3 No.371105

File: ca4adb6fe098245⋯.png (628.6 KB,2294x711,2294:711,_Random_.png)

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e5afd3 No.371106

File: 0606e5ad3e8894e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1075x953,1075:953,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_20_th….png)

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e5afd3 No.371107

File: a0922ac2dac7652⋯.png (663.16 KB,1386x1043,198:149,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_22_Fu….png)

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c99351 No.371108





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e5afd3 No.371109

File: 4c86b256439a533⋯.png (9.67 MB,3600x2972,900:743,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_21.png)

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e5afd3 No.371110

File: bee2edeff1d8f2c⋯.png (483.95 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Another_divisive_Catsfive_….png)

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c99351 No.371111


You don't have a job, obviously.. but it costs money to live…

Tell us about your SSI disability payments

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c99351 No.371112


AGAIN : this is a weekday. A work day. You don't have a job. Explain

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e5afd3 No.371113

File: ef3173ec0b5b328⋯.png (477.72 KB,2328x739,2328:739,Uses_Starlink.png)

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e5afd3 No.371114

File: 0b30c7eb8be5516⋯.png (674.65 KB,3961x617,3961:617,Uses_Opera_1.png)

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e5afd3 No.371115

File: 105b5b91ba65247⋯.png (1.42 MB,8322x744,1387:124,Uses_Opera_2.png)

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c99351 No.371116

I couldn't possibly care less about this guy you're talking about.. not even vaguely interested

nope….. sorry….

But your thread made me become very very interested in why you don't have a job, and how you're able to sit on the internet during work days, when you don't has money to pay for Wi-Fi

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e5afd3 No.371117

File: cffe53927603635⋯.png (20.17 KB,1077x128,1077:128,The_sword.png)

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c99351 No.371118

And at this point, I'm simply asking you for an honest answer

I'm not being mean and I'm not insulting you and I'm not making accusations and I'm not inferring anything negative

It is what it is….

Just simple observations…

Obviously, you don't have a job.. some will you please explain how you're able to ride Wi-Fi everyday although you have no way of paying for it?

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e5afd3 No.371120

File: 0ffef9fe71c10fb⋯.png (771.07 KB,951x982,951:982,Lives_at_his_mother_s_hous….png)

Calls other unemployed yet lives at his mother's house and is also posting during "Canadian daytime"

Kek, the dying final spinout has begun

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c99351 No.371121


yeah, yeah, whatever…..

Nobody's interested in your distractions anymore.. we want you to tell us the truth about YOU

AGAIN: just be honest. You don't have a job, so how do you manage to ride the internet every day?

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e5afd3 No.371122

File: 07e83ea230f0a08⋯.png (619.75 KB,561x1200,187:400,Oops.png)

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e5afd3 No.371123

File: 0e1da158f6391b6⋯.png (588.86 KB,639x736,639:736,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_14.png)

It's Afraid.jpg

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c99351 No.371124


uhhh, yeah dude…. sure

Nope. I'm 60 years old, I've lived with my current wife for the past 10 years, ever since we got married, and I've fucked hundreds and hundreds of women and teenage girls in my life.. I moved out of my mother's house when I was 16, and moved in with my girlfriend…


You're literally terrible at this

you apparently have no Talent whatsoever

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e5afd3 No.371125

File: 424e591c77d822a⋯.png (52.59 KB,1530x257,1530:257,Claims_to_have_been_in_Egy….png)

Read file name.

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e5afd3 No.371126

File: e8d3bf78492598c⋯.png (18.13 KB,1046x126,523:63,Divorced_her_but_picks_her….png)

Read this file name too.

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e5afd3 No.371128

File: 001e1dce48ef654⋯.png (124.29 KB,1018x810,509:405,Ex_s_vaccine_he_claimed_sh….png)

Especially read this file name. About "ex wife he dumped for getting the vaccine behind his back". Hm.

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c99351 No.371129

AGAIN : you are nothing but distractions and finger-pointing, right? You are intentionally being deceptive about your lack of employment


You can't lie your way out of this one

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e5afd3 No.371130

File: 4e40c50f2a9677e⋯.png (1.76 MB,8406x839,8406:839,Projection_wife_left_becau….png)

Here is the ex wife vaccination comment.

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c99351 No.371131



There's only one person in this entire chat room, other than you


And I don't care about this other guy you're talking about

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e5afd3 No.371132

File: d9cfee96af201df⋯.png (1.27 MB,1382x990,691:495,The_CAT_lie.png)


Weak post history. You need a vacation. Ponder your existence.

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c99351 No.371133




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e5afd3 No.371134

File: 7b6c0a8bb0e2a16⋯.png (731.55 KB,3639x667,3639:667,Sure_that_was_the_reason_f….png)

More of his lie about why he's divorced.

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c99351 No.371135


I guess you missed the part about me being a ZZ Top some art director at Warner Brothers when I was younger?



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e5afd3 No.371136

File: df9d4729132c422⋯.png (13.68 KB,393x116,393:116,Where_at_Lorna_s_your_mom_….png)

He also owns a couple of Harleys lol

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c99351 No.371137


I guess you missed the part about me being a ZZ Top some art director at Warner Brothers when I was younger?




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e5afd3 No.371138


You might want to change your font game. Looks just like your bants at Great Awakening. Ponder your existence.

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e5afd3 No.371139

File: a348bce7b5b169c⋯.png (49.53 KB,1513x268,1513:268,Pretending_he_didn_t_work_….png)

>Now how can I convince them I'm not a journalist?

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e5afd3 No.371140

File: dcf4a548268d2f5⋯.png (27.97 KB,1520x135,304:27,Admits_journalist_past_and….png)

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c99351 No.371141





( you're obviously also a coward who thinks denying and feigning confidence somehow fools people into thinking you have a job, and you can get pussy)

How's that denial thing working out so far?


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e5afd3 No.371142

File: aa4c1179e03a81d⋯.png (35.06 KB,1530x159,510:53,Attended_journalism_school….png)

Canadian Midwest or American? This is an important question.

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c99351 No.371143


did you know that SSI is actually WELFARE?

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c99351 No.371144


That's right, you lazy worthless mooch!!


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e5afd3 No.371145

File: fd203b78750e296⋯.png (407.35 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_1.png)

The betrayal. Read this portion of thread carefully. Will be formatted as replies.

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e5afd3 No.371146

File: a133a412d971a96⋯.png (211.54 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_02.png)

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e5afd3 No.371147

File: 44c12883e2cf8a9⋯.png (209.72 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_03.png)

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c99351 No.371148

I bet you live in a trailer. You would be the first Patriot I've ever met who didn't live in a trailer

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c99351 No.371149



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e5afd3 No.371150

File: 3c693dd0041fabb⋯.png (238.12 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_04.png)


Kind of doubt anybody was threatening his ex wife. Why would someone? Probably as much gay drama as you see now infiltrating and shilling this thread kek

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c99351 No.371151



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e5afd3 No.371152

File: ed8cedc58f00f53⋯.png (231.7 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_05.png)

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e5afd3 No.371153

File: 3f7c4516fa39b26⋯.png (263.86 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_06.png)

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c99351 No.371154


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e5afd3 No.371155

File: a20b6246f158c55⋯.png (212.15 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_07.png)

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e5afd3 No.371156

File: 505179bbfac1a60⋯.png (259.24 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_08.png)

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e5afd3 No.371157

File: e95ea822ead9d06⋯.png (260.67 KB,1700x2200,17:22,The_Betrayal_09.png)


There's twice as much after this but you'll get the gist of it. As you can see, said mod from Great Awakening is here, drunk and sperging out kek

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e5afd3 No.371159

File: c8a550a28f57d3a⋯.jpg (701.17 KB,6383x2917,6383:2917,The_King_s_divine_madness.jpg)

Bragging about getting banned on Twitter isn't allowed on Great Awakening….

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e5afd3 No.371160

File: 6f8e3257b3b5a6f⋯.png (287.61 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Oh_Really_1.png)


Until it is.

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c99351 No.371161

…….fucking coward

You're not even big enough to admit the obvious truth

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c99351 No.371162





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e5afd3 No.371163

Improve your post history

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e5afd3 No.371164


Yes, I can. You're Catsfive/Monty Nicol. The end is here. Ponder your existence.

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e5afd3 No.371165

You glow, you lurk here and on /pol/ trying to hide who you are and who handles you, and we're simply done, Mr. Nicol. Go back to your handlers and explain how you lost control, got high on your own supply and fucked up their entire Operation Trust program. If Q isn't real you explain a lot but if it is real you did it or them a lot of harm, which was probably the strategy. Qanaut surrounding himself with bad people as usual. Barbra Streisand is singing. You can run and censor but you can't hide. NCSWIC.


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ef8609 No.371166



The fact that you don't realize who I am proves that you got banned from sissy boy 4chan, and came running here with your tail between your legs


AGAIN : now you are presenting with textbook schizophrenia symptoms, and now I know how you got approved for SSI welfare benefits

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ef8609 No.371167


No woman will let you fuck her LOL hahaha that's classic

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e5afd3 No.371168

This will eventually be known as one of the most legendary post-my shit is exposed death-spins in chan/kun history, kek. Wow, Canadian glowie.

Wow lel

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ef8609 No.371170

File: 4b2acf803f74ded⋯.jpg (205 KB,1080x1121,1080:1121,Picsart_23_04_18_07_16_18_….jpg)


idiot !!!










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ef8609 No.371171


YOU = the ONLY idiot who doesn't know who and what I am

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ef8609 No.371172




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ef8609 No.371173



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ef8609 No.371174


I used to be a stripclub DJ

for almost 10 years

imagine how much pussy I got



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ef8609 No.371175



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ef8609 No.371176



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ef8609 No.371177




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e5afd3 No.371178

The operative is using this vulgar alter ego to try to present "plausible deniability" once this thread, out of his/their control, finds exposure at his website where he mods and attracts eyes and talk. He can then point to this thread, say it's "clearly not him", and deboonk. I think we're all well past this kindergarten level of Deep State bullshit. It's him. Observe. He's too drunk to control his opsec:

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e5afd3 No.371179

File: 8eeccdddfef74eb⋯.png (227.7 KB,1170x949,90:73,Catsfive_losing_his_mind_A….png)

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e5afd3 No.371180

File: 8e93f12c54b5fbd⋯.png (1.02 MB,1347x1000,1347:1000,Catsfive_Monty_Nicol_26.png)

He also thinks an AI-generated photo of the very butch pretend character he wants you all to think he is will work, and fool you, and is not what he really is, which see as picrel. They're truly not sending their best……

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e5afd3 No.371181

Notice all the epithets this glownigger assclown thinks will trigger me:

>You're a nigger

>You're a mooch

>You don't have a job

>You're on welfare (when in fact he is)

>You're an idiot

>You've never seen a vagina

>You've never touched a vagina

When he is gay, scared of vagina and likes the smell of ass. The only poop missing he hasn't thrown at the wall and me yet is

>You must be a jew.

Funny that. Catsfive doesn't see being jewish as an epithet.



THAT? (smile)

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e5afd3 No.371182

Of course now he will call me one. But why didn't he before I brought it to your attention?


Abandon that entire site for your own safety.

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e5afd3 No.371183


Faggot's fucking nuts kek

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e5afd3 No.371189

File: b23519106a3330f⋯.png (154.49 KB,779x494,41:26,Catsfive_Pathetic.png)

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e5afd3 No.371190

File: e5b1d106179a3f0⋯.png (548.66 KB,1214x356,607:178,Catsfive_s_photo_library_2.png)

But don't let him distract any of you with this. It could be one of his frens creating noise to signal but guaranteed he's exposed and scared shitless. His posts on GAW look pretty funny today too lel

Stay on target: mod doing and likes boy loli. That's illegal as fuck, even in Canada. This is not the public face of the Q movement. You know what to do.

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ef8609 No.371192





AGAIN : YOURE A DISABILITY WELFARE WHITE TRASH CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL (if you were sexually attracted to females, you'd have a girlfriend)

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d69496 No.371195

i know that guy from pol. hes a chatbot. a weird one too. ask him about scottsdale

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