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b19e28 No.371039 [Last50 Posts]

This is literally the dystopian hell one must endure fighting for a corrupt collapsing empire. These poor souls are microwaving their own brains and retinas and will probably face brain and eyesight damage before they will be able to fight another war for this corrupted regime. This is truly pathetic and sad. May God have mercy on this once-great nation.

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c5ec48 No.371045



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c5ec48 No.371046


…says the alcoholic COWARD, who never served in the military, BECAUSE HE WAS A FAT, WEAK, DIABETIC, EXCUSE-MAKING SACK OF SHIT

fuck yourself, stupid

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8ee701 No.371221

bumping dependable news

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7ffa9a No.371268

bumping common sense news

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7ffa9a No.371310

bumping absolute news

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881160 No.371490

bumping logical news

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5c447b No.372805

bumping forbidden news

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9cc78a No.372911

bumping common sense news

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8037a0 No.372950

anti-slide 414

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9ca104 No.373194

The most patriotic thing you can do right now is prepare for the worst and wait out the collapse, do your best to survive the outcome and then help re-build your local community in the aftermath, with constant stark warnings and reminders exactly HOW and WHY this country collapsed and the nihilistic dangers of greed, corruption, fiscal insolvency, radical political ideology and despotism.

Good luck.

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7ffa9a No.373331

bumping factual news

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1e07ed No.373354

bumping reality-driven news

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572af8 No.373398

bumping accurate news

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f6e87b No.373486

bumping solid news

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e23850 No.373743

bumping logical news

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9ca104 No.373828

bumping actual news

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dde741 No.374006

bumping non-bias news

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9ca104 No.374152

bumping substantial news

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c9d551 No.374620

anti-slide 55`145

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b5675c No.375162

bumping trustworthy news

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373610 No.375225

bumping sad pathetic but absolutely true news

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e23850 No.375866

bumping vital news

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7ffa9a No.375988

Learn exactly HOW glow nigger propagandists operate and infiltrate all online media and news networks here:



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9ca104 No.376465

bumping well documented news

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572af8 No.376661

bumping common sense news no fucks given

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9cc78a No.376705

bumping common sense news

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bc3d59 No.376785

bumping forbidden news

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e23850 No.376824

bumping authentic news

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d8342b No.377081

anti-slide 8390`27340`780794012094

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905f0a No.378304

bumping reality-driven news

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7ffa9a No.379011

bumping trustworthy news

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dde741 No.379312


fuck the gatekeepers


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e23850 No.380527

bumping accurate news

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e23850 No.381027

bumping verified news

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7ffa9a No.381428

bumping reality-driven news

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572af8 No.381679

bumping international news

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f6e87b No.382200

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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e23850 No.382399

They killed themselves for nothing, so sad.

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c9d551 No.382440

Too bad America no longer has free market capitalism.

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9ca104 No.382784

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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e23850 No.383056

Too bad patriotism is punished while treason is rewarded today.

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f29f3d No.383634

bumping inspirational news

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7ffa9a No.384185

bumping rational news

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572af8 No.384255

bumping independent news

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572af8 No.384257

Washington watchdogs investigated the life of the average enlisted soldier in the US military and uncovered barracks filled with sewage, broken AC systems, black mold, broken windows and crime.


Trillion dollar budgets, where did all the money go?

Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of US Military Life and Readiness


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9cc78a No.384607

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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827a63 No.384747

bumping censored news

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f6e87b No.384882

bumping common sense news

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e23850 No.384924

good luck

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f6e87b No.384994

bumping blacklisted news

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514515 No.385052

anti-slide 32555555555

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488e72 No.385119

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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4cb07c No.385337

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000082

Good! Fifth Circuit Tells Federal Government To SHUT DOWN Their Online Censorship Regime!


The court’s opinion comes in the landmark free speech case in the digital era, Missouri v. Biden. Before the litigation landed in appellate court, Louisiana District Judge Terry A. Doughty declared in a fitting Independence Day ruling that federal authorities from the Biden White House to the FBI and CDC had likely engaged in “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Biden To Fund Ukraine Without Congress Via State Department Money


Hillary Clinton Is Scared Some Americans Favor Russia’s Resistance To The Empire of Lies


"Honestly, I don't understand any American siding with [Russian President] Putin, but we have seen it, and we have heard it, and we have to fight against it" PBS quoted her as saying.

Eleven Activists Arrested Outside Bernie Sanders Office After Demanding End To Ukraine Conflict


Trump Ousted From Forbes 400 List of Wealthiest Americans Due To Theft, Political Lawfare


Congressional Approval Hits All Time Low, Under 20%


71% Of Americans Don’t Trust The US Government To Prevent Doomsday, Collapse Of America


MY COMMENT: Prepping for the worst was the right thing to do. Absolutely no regrets.

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f6e87b No.385480

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000078

Bad! Britain Criminalizes Dissent, First Anti-War Podcaster Arrested


Good! Fifth Circuit Court Rules Against Biden DHS & CISA Tech Censorship, Declared Unconstitutional


In a unanimous ruling, the 5th Circuit expanded bars on the Biden administration’s censorship activities, blocking the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) from any speech-policing communication with private-sector media platforms.

Biden Regime Goes Full Orwell Denying They Tried To Impose Clot Shot Mandates Which Were Blocked By SCOTUS


It was legally challenged all the way to SCOTUS and ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Can't remember that?

Republican Who Wanted To Investigate mRNA Clot Shot Health Damage Has Been Assassinated


Democrats Finally Worried About Illegal Immigration Crisis As Their Cities Are Invaded




MY COMMENT: They asked for it and now they are receiving it! How does it feel?

The Collapse Is Already Unfolding For Major American Cities: Shit Has Hit The Fan!




This Brave 14 Year Old Girl Shows The Western World What Inevitably Needs To Be Done


A 14 year old girl hung her rapist in the woods and left him to die.

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9ca104 No.385564

Endless WAR Will BANKRUPT The US Empire


National Debt Increased Another $500,000,000,000 In Just 20 DAYS


China Saved $10 Billion By Buying Cheap Oil From Sanctioned Exporters


NATO Secretary General Threatens Response If Finland Oil Pipeline Was Sabotaged


Gaza To Plunge Into BLACKOUT As Power Plant Runs Out Of Fuel Ahead Of Israel Invasion


Israel Actively Fighting A Secondary Front On Northern Border With Hezbollah


Jerusalem Feels Like A Ghost Town Amid Israel-Gaza War


Neuralink Implant RUPTURED The Brain of a Female Monkey, Autopsy Finds


MY COMMENT: One would have to be very stupid to ever let anyone plant a spy device inside their brain!

Ex-CIA Director Hayden Publicly Calls For Assassination Of GOP Senator


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c9d551 No.385684




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7ffa9a No.385822

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000102

Gullible Humans Fall For Yet Another False Flag Psyop: HOLY WAR!


Israel has the best, most powerful border patrol and security in the world. By far. Their surveillance is state-of-the-art, operating 24/7. They vet ANYONE who wants a passport before entering their country. How on Earth did they fail to do their job right when a bunch of terrorists with machine guns flood out from Gaza? At the very least they must have allowed it to happen, so they could finally justify leveling Gaza and expanding Israel territory. So a few Jews were sacrificed to make that happen, big deal right? Just like the American government sacrificed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 for endless wars in the Middle East back in 2001.

Hamas Releases Footage Of Them Feeding and Clothing Israeli Babies Whom Allegedly Were Beheaded


MY COMMENT: This footage was released by Hamas to prove the Israel & US governments LIED about the beheadings! There is still NO PROOF to that claim! Were they kidnapped? Yes! But there is no proof Hamas has killed these kids. A deal should be made to give the kids back to their parents!

Biden Claimed He Saw “Confirmed Pictures” of Hamas Beheading Children Turns Out A COMPLETE LIE


GOP Lawmaker Flies To Israel To Rescue Americans After Tons of Requests


Why [Every Nation] Needs A Second Amendment


If you are armed, you can protect yourself from criminals or terrorists who want to hurt you and your family.

Hal Turner Makes A Brutal But Good Point: Just Let Them Kill One Another


I am 61 years old and for much of my life, I have seen the Arab/Israeli hatred for each other manifest in tragedy after tragedy, fight after fight, war after war and frankly I'm sick of it. I say, let them fight it out to the death… Their never-ending fighting, bickering, and warring has been going on since before Jesus Christ walked the earth two thousand or so years ago. And these Barbarians - and that's what they are - have hated each other, deceived each other, fought each other, and killed each other for that entire time.

If You Eat Fast Food, You Are Eating Poisoned Food


Kissinger Finally Admits Leftist Migration Policy Will Collapse America (That Was Their Plan All Along!)


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7ffa9a No.385857

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000100

Israelis Declare “Something Is Very Wrong Here” As America Receives “Zero Hour” Warning


Thousands Protest Across Middle East In Support of Palestinians


Majority of Israelis Blame Government For Hamas Attack - 56% Want Netanyahu Out


Jewish Councilwoman Arrested For Attending Pro-Palestine Protest


US Intelligence Gets Nervous About Iran Threats Against Israel Over Gaza


Iran Responds To Israeli Gaza Slaughter With Tank Deployment On Iraqi Border - Hezbollah Green Light To Engage


Palestinians Fire Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) Into Crowd of Israeli Soldiers


Israel Gives Major Hospital In Northern Gaza 2 Hours To Evacuate Staff & Patients


Israeli forces use a bulldozer to destroy a pizza restaurant in the West Bank that had used its social media account to mock an elderly Holocaust survivor taken hostage by Hamas.


Israelis Brag They’ve Dropped Over 6,000 Bombs On Gaza So Far


Ben Shapiro Rages At Tucker For Questioning Why Our Politicians Care More About Israelis Dying Than About Americans


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7ffa9a No.386419

How Billionaires Get Gullible Dummies To Die For Their Profitable Wars


I encourage you all to not be cannon fodder for the billionaires… but you'll have to make up your own mind.

We're Not Dying For Israel! Americans Reject New Army Ad Targeting White Men For Recruitment


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7ffa9a No.386544




E E?::

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e3bab9 No.386728

Americans Are Rushing To Pay Off Their Home Mortgages Before Economic Collapse


Last year, almost 40 percent of Americans owned their homes but a decade prior, in 2013, that number was just 34 percent, according to US Census Bureau data cited by Bloomberg.

Americans Are Still Fleeing High Taxed Commie-run States


State governments seem to be more hostile and misbehave worse when they see more tax revenue.

Wells Fargo axes another 13 branches in a single week as a host of banks shut down vital services.


Six banks filed to close almost 40 branches last week leaving millions of Americans without access to vital financial services, with Wells Fargo alone axing 13 locations.

Russia Moves To Ban Subversive Marxist International LGBT Movement


Israel Planning To Fight Gaza With Human Sewage… Yes, Human Sewage!


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f29f3d No.386997


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