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e5675b No.371006

Poppy + Pot

(916) 304-9986

2908 Franklin Blvd Suite A, Sacramento, CA 95818

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272b9f No.371007


1 Star ?……

similar to your 1 Testicle?

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272b9f No.371008

I got a call from Poppy & Pot tonight…

they said the BIG DRAGQUEEN STORYTIME was a huge success, but unfortunately, they couldn't find any men to go in drag that day…

they're now hiring, but before you get excited, they have some strict requirements

they're looking for MEN who seek attention, who have no sexual relationships with women, and who are desperate to find a job, even a shitty $3 an hour storytime job, once per month

and as soon as I heard their requirements, YOU came to mind

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