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File: 10509c7a985cd98⋯.jpg (127.36 KB,750x500,3:2,done.jpg)

File: e71a7e14184e155⋯.jpg (147.36 KB,802x1024,401:512,1644931356109.jpg)

36127c No.370993

>First pic

Aldous Huxley's old warning, a must read. Died in 1963.

>Second pic

Above: University of California protesting FOR Free Speech, a First Amendment Constitutional right. Back in 1964. Below: University of California protesting AGAINST Free Speech, a First Amendment Constitutional right. March of 2017.

Another "coincidence" right? I don't know about the spooks who lurk here but I'm getting pretty sick of all these "coincidences"!

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d9e8d2 No.370994

File: 97317516fc5c480⋯.jpg (201.88 KB,1080x1392,45:58,Picsart_23_04_18_10_10_56_….jpg)

Aldouche Huxley was a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL

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36127c No.370995


Even if it were true, he was still spot on. He predicted exactly what has happened 60 years later!

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36127c No.371026

bumping vital news

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e6f3dd No.371323

bumping common sense news

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209dbe No.371966

bumping real news

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