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File: 81ed236ad9f90ae⋯.jpg (222.92 KB,1079x970,1079:970,SmartSelect_20230417_13250….jpg)

026ff1 No.370976

If you hate western culture and want to socially isolate yourself from western reprobates I suggest getting a thobe and you don't even have yo be muslim or religious to wear it. Also not just wear it in public but also smoke weed and let the linger in the store on you and nobody will know where it's coming from or care to talk to you anyway. Also the thobe keeps you anonymous with the mask.

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517a54 No.370981


I wear thobe, disha dasha, and keffiyah in the Bedouin style. It's practical, comfortable, and inexpensive. Then again, I'm Muslim, so it's not a huge deal to me.

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18a4b9 No.371001

File: dbc9a57a7ae60c4⋯.jpg (40.73 KB,750x500,3:2,bbm.jpg)


Obamanation USSA verteenwoordig nie noodwendig die staat van Missouri.

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