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ab7218 No.370972

US Government Had Access To All Private Twitter DMs

During an upcoming appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show, Elon Musk reveals that the US government had full access to people’s private Twitter DMs.

Musk told Carlson during a segment which is set to air tonight that he was shocked as to the level of penetration the feds had with Twitter.

“The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind, I was not aware of that,” said Musk.

“Would that include people’s DMs?” asked Carlson.

“Yes,” responded Musk.

It has long been suspected that individual Twitter employees had full access to private messages, but for branches of the federal government to have enjoyed that same privilege is stunning.

Since his purchase of Twitter last October, Musk has worked with journalists to release batches of files exposing the egregious censorship policies of the previous regime.

Matt Taibbi characterized the cozy relationship between the social media network, NGOs and the US government as the “censorship-industrial complex.”

According to Taibbi, the system worked as “a bureaucracy willing to sacrifice factual truth in service of broader narrative objectives,” acting as an insult to the principles of a free press.


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8ab4b4 No.370989

bumping forbidden news

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8ab4b4 No.371000


Love 'em or hate 'em, don't care… here it is:



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8ab4b4 No.371028

bumping spectacular well informed

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e775d0 No.371215

bumping genius news

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ad2ab1 No.371314

bumping genius news

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496caf No.371498

bumping dependable news

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aef827 No.372031

bumping true news

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2c11ce No.372096

bumping natural news

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fcfb63 No.373049

bumping well documented news

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11e637 No.374589

anti-slide 25525

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3d52b3 No.374851

bumping real American news

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fcfb63 No.376394

bumping forbidden news

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8ea021 No.377882

bumping factual news

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