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File: eb96604d83d6579⋯.png (499.23 KB,1200x675,16:9,star_trek_picard_staffel_3….png)

8338a0 No.370869

The final two episodes of Star Trek: Picard (Vox and The Last Generation) echoes progressives such as Koncorde, BatteryIncluded, Emily Temple Wood, the people at Wikipedia and FANDOM (i.e. AGK, Dennis Brown, Boing! said Zebedee, Kimberton, Boo999, Gladhands), JustARandommer, Begemot, NerdShamer, The Cunting Death (AKA Frank D'arbo), Spunt, B'owl, StreetGangsta, Adamska (AdamLastGunman), AngryTreeRat, SeaVulture, CECA Loather and Analog Devolved revolting against liberalism and the post-WWII global world order, while my parents and family stand by and watch.

Was it worth it?

Was it worth it influencing my parents to parrot what is being said about me by you?

Was it worth it standing with my family, BatteryIncluded, Koncorde, JustARandommer? The alt-right knows this, and yet you betray me! "Then I wonder how his parents found his thread." - CECA Loather

Was it worth it telling me "Jangan risau lah! Semuanya akan baik-baik saja!"?

Was it worth it using hornets to injure and kill somebody (Koncorde will use hornets for sure)?

Was it worth it opposing net neutrality? Was it worth it banning / limiting the Internet as Aleksandr Dugin wanted?

My mother is a JustARandommer authoritarian mother. My parents see the Internet as people-destroying forums, something that Dugin wants. It's no doubt that my family are Koncorde/BatteryIncluded progressives aligning with Analog Devolved far left socialists influenced by Steve Bannon forming the so-called "Red-Brown Coalition". And yet the alt-right stands with them. Why?? WHY?!!!





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b29f2b No.370969

File: fc864736af2dccb⋯.png (1.91 MB,1080x1438,540:719,Picsart_23_04_17_11_44_24_….png)


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