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40e735 No.370801


I am a UK civil servant. I have had sight of a set of briefing documents while it was under preparation for one of the recent changes of UK Prime Minister. The documents were not meant for me; I have waited some months in the hope that there is no easy trail to me writing about what I read.

I need to share the gist of them. I cannot show them or cut and paste from them, because the documents are definitely steganographically tracked - I want to keep the risk of discovery to an absolute minimum while still sharing.

This is what the documents say.

1. There are lizards. They look more like gargoyles than crocodiles. But fucking lizards. Ones that are intelligent. Human level. I am aware of David Icke and was dismissive, but shit he was nearly bang on. They are cold blooded and need a warm atmosphere. They live in cavities in the earth's crust. There are estimated to be under 100 million of them - limited to the environment available.

2. The gargoyles are technologically very advanced. In the early 1700s, a deal was struck between them and the government for information exchange in return for increasing the temperature of the earth. Britain was very cold, not doing too well in any way, and no downsides were seen from selling their souls. Gargoyles gave Britain the first steam engine, the secret to smelting steel with coke, two examples given.

3. The gargoyles want to live on the surface of the earth. Several more degrees of temperature increase are needed before it will need to be stabilised. In short this whole fucking global warming thing is deliberate. No wonder UK gov keeps delaying any kind of change.

4. The agreement continues. More technology keeps coming. This is, it seems, known to all major governments. All see benefit. My sister in law last year told me that "they have the iPhone 200 down there, 200 meters below ground" - again, I thought "she's gone down her conspiracy theory rabbit hole" - and I smiled, not really knowing what to say. It is me that is now not knowing what the fuck to think.

This is all listed in the documents as just facts without opinion. No comment on the downside. I am numb. There is more.

If I post again, I will give the text which has a sha256 of 6075b3c0807268314f7b675a3fcce2250fa7a09cff5ff04b1999767d4340a93c


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c43ab8 No.370815

No. Not lizards.


Demonic entities.

They were here before and AFTER the Great Flood. Genesis and Enoch explain it all.

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c43ab8 No.370816



WORSE: these demonic entities already gave governments advanced technology to terraform the planet via chemtrials and HAARP-style electromagnetic/microwave weaponry systems. They already have DNA-damaging bioweapons in use too. mRNA clot shots ring a bell!? 5G microwave towers everywhere!? Everything is already been given to the hostile corrupted and seduced-by-evil on the planet. Demons don't need iPhones either, they engage in mind control. Tower of babel. Same demonic entities that forced God to flood the Earth are still with us today. Humans have been corrupted on the DNA level. Only thing that can really save us in the end is our Lord Jesus Christ, but we must prepare to be saved!

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00ea8e No.370942

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