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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: d2fde3a9184ffe8⋯.png (6.68 KB,119x119,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

ca49a0 No.370643

Are Republicans good?

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bff186 No.370644

File: b98a2188f560ade⋯.jpg (15.63 KB,387x202,387:202,IMG_20230412_195932_004.jpg)

Does that answer your question

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26bef5 No.370646

File: 9c6df83bcf956e2⋯.jpg (340.17 KB,1080x1920,9:16,PicsArt_04_02_08_201804280….jpg)



ALL humans are worthless garbage

It doesn't matter which race or religion or political belief.. ALL HUMANS ARE GARBAGE

Humans are a cancer on the face of the planet, and as such, must be excised

HOWEVER : the only thing that could possibly be worse is when a human being actually applies alabelon to themselves…

There's nothing more hypocritical and embarrassing then a human who tries to hide behind a facade, for whatever purpose.

fuck humans…….

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26bef5 No.370647


by the way……….

Perhaps you didn't get the memo:

"although the name /pnd/ might send the wrong message to its readers, in actuality, no discussions pertaining to politics, news or debate are allowed"

Please refrain from making any further commentary regarding either of these three topics. Thank you very much

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26bef5 No.370648


There's a time and place for politics, news, and debate…

But it's⁰notnow, and it'snothere

but feel free to find a forum where they encourage conversations about politics, news & debate

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