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d8e7c3 No.370447

War On America's Food Supply Chain Continues As Explosion Kills 18,000 Cows In Texas

A dairy farm in Texas was rocked by a massive explosion that resulted in the deaths of thousands of cattle, reported local media outlet KFDA.

Fire crews in Dimmitt, Texas, responded to an explosion and fire that engulfed multiple building structures at South Fork Dairy on Monday evening. Reports suggest over 18,000 cattle were killed in the blaze.

Castro County Sheriff Sal Rivera said the fire resulted from an explosion that spread to the building where the cows are housed before bringing them into the milking area and holding pen.

KFDA quoted the Animal Welfare Institute, saying this is the deadliest barn fire in Texas since 2013.

"We hope the industry will remain focused on this issue and strongly encourage farms to adopt commonsense fire safety measures."

Videos of the explosion are absolutely shocking.

"Multiple agencies are on scene to a massive dairy farm explosion that took place this evening."

Add this explosion to the long list of unexplainable fires at food processing plants in the past 12 months: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/another-us-food-processing-plant-catches-fire-add-growing-list

Following the dozens of fires, some Americans are raising concerns about the durability of food supply chains. Some have gone as far as ask: Is America's food industry being sabotaged?

Think about it, no fake meat or soy plants are mysteriously catching on fire. How convenient for those who want to ban real food and sell toxic crap to a victimized public.

It should be highly recommended to support your local farmers markets and start buying wholesale beef very soon.


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7dcda0 No.370688

real true news bumparoo

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7dcda0 No.370700

bumping true news in a dying empire gone mad

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7dcda0 No.370715

bumping explosive news

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2a6fe2 No.370820

bumping real news

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4d742e No.370919

bumping verified news

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4d742e No.370963


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1b007c No.370985

bumping substantial news

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cfe9c5 No.371223

bumping reality-driven news

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98569d No.371269

bumping educated news

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15d783 No.371488

bumping non-State-run news

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15d783 No.371599

bumping educated news

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d80035 No.371857

bumping substantial news

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b78cd1 No.372466

bumping traditional news

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134767 No.374082

bumping actual news

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11764d No.374822

anti-slide 6328

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134767 No.375794

bumping appreciated news

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7b2d44 No.377032

bumping third world news

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cbbcb0 No.378283

bumping significant news

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79f5d3 No.378500

File: f926ac72cad77c8⋯.jpg (401.62 KB,1622x1048,811:524,Sixth_Wave_ECM_2032.jpg)


>Think about it, no fake meat or soy plants are mysteriously catching on fire. How convenient

>no fake meat or soy plants are mysteriously catching on fire

Damn, I hadn't thought of this.

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