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b2e734 No.370431

you are worthless, uneducated, stupid WHITE TRASH


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b2e734 No.370442



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b2e734 No.370443

unironically, Wendy and I are watching a really good show thatCOMPLETELY DEBUNKS THE STUPID CHEMTRAIL MYTH

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b2e734 No.370444

isn't that coincidental?

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b2e734 No.370445

when was the last time you READ A BOOK

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b2e734 No.370446

I'd imagine you don't have much time to READ BOOKS with your bust schedule of pretending to be an intellectual, and the alcoholism thing

you should seriously consider reading

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a1d0ce No.370459


If I told you what books I read you would only scream "Conspiracy Theorist!" anyway, just like the CIA mockingbird media programmed you to do.

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