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c4c306 No.370385

Suicide is best for the pathetic losers!

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

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1137b1 No.370406


….says he unemployed adult male who financially exploits his mother

….the broke, lazy, excuse-making little sissy, who is TERRIFIED OF REJECTION, and so ruled by his fear, that he never attempts approaching a woman and introducing himself and asking her out on a date

while all the other men his age ar3 out there taking their girlfriends to fancy dinners, concerts, or movies, he sits in front of his lonely little computer, complaining about gay people

when all the other men his age are busy having sex with their girlfriends, the unemployed broke effeminate little coward plays another video game and complains about homosexuals

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1137b1 No.370407



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1137b1 No.370410


dude….. You're a BROKE BUM

You're a weak unemployment sissy

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1137b1 No.370411

no woman would ever give you the time of day, let alone have sex with you

Why would any woman be interested in an unemployed effeminate little sissy who mooches off his mommy?

But you're not attracted to women anyway, because if you were attracted to women, you would already have a girlfriend

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