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File: 7abe95364eca21f⋯.gif (994.29 KB,498x273,166:91,tenor_1_.gif)

File: ad5fa826574c02e⋯.gif (452.31 KB,539x345,539:345,Glg47WR.gif)

8514d8 No.370384


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52f395 No.370397



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52f395 No.370400



just like a fucking lazy excuse making nigger

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52f395 No.370401

File: 85661900890c498⋯.jpg (166.47 KB,1080x1188,10:11,Picsart_23_04_12_14_24_32_….jpg)


exactly how long do you intend on continuing being a little girl?

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52f395 No.370402


the unemployed little girl can't afford wifi

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52f395 No.370403

the unemployed little girl who can't afford to support himself

certainly incapable of taking care of anybody else

basically, just a broke, lazy, excuse-making, cowardly, effeminate, inexperienced little girl

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52f395 No.370405

File: 5597e0c7d95dfd6⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,2400x1899,800:633,Picsart_23_04_12_14_35_52_….jpg)


I'm guessing an unemployed adult male who still lives with his mother doesn't get a lot of pussy, do you?

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52f395 No.370408


tell me about your SSI DISABILITY BENEFITS

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52f395 No.370409


are you aware that your SSI is actually considered WELFARE??

You might not realize it, but it's government welfare assistance

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50dc16 No.370662


I just hope they keep selling guns to psychotics who get radicalized by all of the depravity and

filth that the brown and gay human garbage inflict on the peaceful White working classes.

At this point in time and after everything that has been allowed to happen, you deserve a never ending onslaught of the same caliber of depravity you have successfully inflicted on everyone else trying to live

a free life. Fuck yourself.

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50dc16 No.370663


I mean we deserve to live off your tax revenue at this point, it's not like we are given any value in society anyway and our rights are already stripped from us while you kill our men and rape our women all the while thinking we owe you some sort of participation other than turning your violent and filthy community into a shooting gallery. You deserve to pay for our guns and ammo to seek retribution against you since you have made it clear that we are behind your sights for annihilation. You reap what you sow simple as that, go shoot up another Christian school because you're a tranny activist.

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