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3c1f49 No.370359

Self Explanatory…

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b4340d No.370367



who never tries to find a girlfriend

who demonstrates no sexual attraction towards women

and who spends every day seeking conversations with OTHER SEXUALLY FAILED MEN

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b4340d No.370368



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b4340d No.370369



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b4340d No.370370





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b4340d No.370375


I guess it never crossed your mind that when you begin pointing fingers at gay people, the first thing that everybody will question iswhy don't YOU have a girlfriend

……it's very telling…..

you have no history with women



in fact, your life revolves around other men

You spend your life in imageboards, trying to initiate conversations withother similarly sexually failed men

Always trying to find another MALE to play effeminate, sissyboy videogames with

you arealwaysseeking the companionship of other men

you have NOT been looking for a girlfriend


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b4340d No.370376


isn't it a bit ironic that the men you seek online relationships withare just like YOU

none of you guys ever even tries asking girls out on dates. None of you put any effort into trying to find a girlfriend.. none of you even have a simple basic platonic friendship with a female…

And you seek it each other's temporary companionship online, pretending like you guys look down your nose at gay people.. it sounds like maybe you guys are hiding a secret

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b4340d No.370377


feel free to tell us the last time you went out on a date with a woman.

what's the last movie you took a woman to go see in a theater?

what is the last restaurant you took a woman to?

when was the last time one of your female friends came to your house to hang out with you?

if you can't answer these questions,YOU ARE GAY

You're either a homosexual, or you're one of the most dysfunctional, stupid, inept, learning-disabled idiots on earth.

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b4340d No.370378


by the way, have you ever noticed how men who get pussy NEVER sit around complaining about "gay people"?'

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b4340d No.370379


I've never been having sex with my wife or girlfriends, stopped, and said "I HATE GAY PEOPLE"

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b4340d No.370380


What about people with different religions than you, or different philosophies, or perhaps they like a different clothing fashion than you, or maybe they have different interests than you, chose to focus on different topics than the ones you consider to be "important"?….

there are 8 Billion people on earth

and 99.9999999999% of them are nothing like you whatsoever

so WHY didn't you mention THEM?

obviously, YOU don't control the world

obviously, YOUR opinions mean nothing

your complaints mean jack shit

Apparently, you have come to the realization that the world is not hater to your desires.. you don't get to decide how the world spins

So you don't mention anything about that 99.999999999999% of humans

nope…. You're ANTI-GAY


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b4340d No.370381


One thing I've always noticed in life:

men who can't fuck ALSO can'tfight

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b4340d No.370382


Because men who don't have girlfriends are obviouslycowards

the ONLY reason you don't have a woman in your life is BECAUSE YOURE A COWARD

You're afraid of rejection

plain and simple. You're ruled by fear

you don't have the balls to introduce yourself to a woman, and ask her out on a date

You're SO AFRAID of her saying "no", that you cave in, like a coward…..

so of course…

if you're too afraid to face the

possibility of hearing "no"…

then you're also not brave enough

to face the possibility of a

broken nose


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b4340d No.370383



If you don't have the balls to face a woman, then you certainly don't have the balls to face a man

This means even a 13 year old boy could punch you in the face and you wouldn't fight back

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