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bf4221 No.370347

De-Dollarization Worldwide, Bank Collapses, CBDCs, Crypto Takedown & More w/ Andy Schectman


Dr. Jim Willie! April Showers Intel! Gold Is The Answer! BRICS+ and Geopolitical Update


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57fc5b No.370352



you truly ARE one of the stupidest people on earth, aren't you?

I guess this is to be expected when you drop out in the 10th grade 47 years ago?

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57fc5b No.370353


I know you're not capable of realizing how smart you could have been, because it requires intelligence to understand it

So let's work with something you're capable of visualizing:

imagine how stupid you WOULDN'T be if you had simply completed the last 2 years of school, after investing 10 years into it already, you stupid fucking idiot

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57fc5b No.370354

invests 10 years into school

gives up and drops out with only 2 years to go

gives people life advice

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708990 No.370363

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f60356 No.370394

bumping professional news

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fb1012 No.370437

bumping common sense news

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063ec5 No.370681

bumping common sense news in a dying empire gone mad

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4845ae No.370880

bumping vital news

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38ac51 No.371579

bumping vital news

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36ddca No.371933

Tucker Carlson Gets Fired By FOX News, Network Officially Becomes 100% Neocon



MY COMMENT: It's time for real conservatives to completely DUMP any viewership and support for TV news media including Fox News. In fact I'd recommend hitting all of them where it hurts most: CANCEL TV SERVICE ENTIRELY. (Yes I already did the same over a decade ago and it never bothered me, I get all my news from the internet plus I buy DVD sets of all my favorite old shows so there was nothing to lose and money saved long-term).















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c4d036 No.372089

bumping substantial news

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1f9641 No.374073

bumping legit factual news

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4e307a No.374816

anti-slide vg34b756u65nugf9i=-103i–894-0830-0894-08935-0283059282-0389-23890239850298-5092-5893-

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1f9641 No.375809

bumping thought-provoking news

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3f5d48 No.376459

bumping authentic true news

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9ed430 No.377406

bumping international news

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af2dcc No.378317

bumping premium news

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1f9641 No.380494

bumping appreciated news

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